At its meeting on 7 September 2004, the Academic Board
That the Academic Board approves:
- Postgraduate coursework students may enrol in undergraduate
courses, under the appropriate undergraduate course code. However,
these undergraduate courses may not be counted in the minimum units
of credit required to obtain the postgraduate award, except where
the postgraduate program definition explicitly allows such inclusion
and where this inclusion is specifically approved by the Postgraduate
Coursework Committee of Academic Board.
- The University recognises that there are circumstances in which
it is appropriate to deliver introductory course material in postgraduate
courses. When the relevant discipline's introductory material is offered
as an integral and substantial part of a postgraduate course or program,
the postgraduate course and program proposals must indicate:
- the extent of this material, its relationship to the remainder
of the program, and the reasons for its inclusion; and
- the manner in which it will be taught and assessed, and how
this will differ, if at all, from the delivery and assessment in any
corresponding undergraduate course(s).
- The University recognises that there are circumstances in which it
is appropriate to deliver advanced course material concurrently to
undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. When such concurrent
delivery occurs:
- the students involved in such an arrangement must be advised as
close as practicable to the time of enrolment that parallel teaching of
undergraduate and postgraduate students will occur in a specific course,
and course materials must explicitly acknowledge this concurrent teaching.
- the postgraduate students must be enrolled in the course under
a postgraduate course code (unless as allowed under 1. above), and
- the postgraduate students must be offered additional or separate
content delivery and/or tutorials and discussions, and must undertake
additional or separate assessment tasks designed to acknowledge the
different expectations, learning styles, prior knowledge and life
experiences of postgraduate students, as required to preserve the academic
integrity of the respective programs.
- Faculties are to review all current postgraduate courses and
programs to ensure that they comply with the spirit of the above
recommendations. Faculty representatives are to report on progress to
the Postgraduate Coursework Committee by March 2005, and thence to the
Committee on Education.