Minutes of Teaching Commitee Meeting of 25 October 1999

Present: kenr, sowmya, lambert, gernot, billw (chair), jesse

In attendance: Ron van der Meyden, peterh, anymeyer

Apologies: iango, richardb

  1. The changes proposed by Ken Robinson to COMP3111/9008 and COMP2110 were approved. Z will be replaced by B, with corresponding changes in textbook, content, etc.

    At Ken's suggestion, his proposal on 3 uoc third year subjects was deferred.

  2. Ian Gorton's new subject proposal for a subject to be called Distributed Object Systems and Technology was partly considered (Ian was unable to attend). The TC liked the idea, but further information is needed on the resource implications, and the relation to what the Potter committee may do to COMP4001. The idea of having the subject potentially available in summer session was seen as attractive.

  3. Further information about "The Somerville Group" (who are proposing an "apprenticeship scheme" in conjunction with CSE and various other potential partners) is to be sought.

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 9385 3986
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