There was extensive debate about this proposal, with the discontent
focussing on the change from 18 UoC to 12 UoC for Thesis Part A and
Thesis Part B combined. This, of course, had already been approved
as part of the revisions approved in 2005. However, we don't all
have to like it. It was pointed out that there would be problems having
examiners assessing 12 UoC theses for CE, (15 UoC theses for BI,) and
18 UoC theses for CS Honours and SE. It was suggested that SE and
CS could move to 12 UoC theses, as in other Engineering Schools (this
would not work for BI because of factors relating to the Life Science
co-supervisors). Alternatively, a back-door 18 UoC thesis could be
introduced, either optionally or compulsorily, by introducing a
Thesis Part C (6 UoC) for CE. This would address the Dean's desideratum
of all Engineering Courses being 6 UoC. It was noted that there is
already available a course code COMP3901 Special Project A (6 UoC)
that could be used to extend a thesis from 12 to 18 UoC if that was
only required occasionally.
It was not possible to proceed with introducing Thesis Part C at
the meeting, as a proposal to do so had not been available to the
School prior to the TC meeting.
The proposal to introduce COMP4930 and COMP4931 was passed by 7 votes
to 3 (with several abstentions).
It should be noted that the new CE degree is being brought in a year
at a time, and that the thesis courses, while we have been asked by the
Faculty to get them approved now, will not actually be used until 2009.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Phone: +61 2 9385 6876
Last updated: