Minutes of Teaching Committee Meeting - 23 February 2000

Present: kenr, steve, potter, gernot, sowmya, andrewt, billw (chair), lambert
  1. Re-introduce COMP4903/SENG4903 Industrial Training 0 UoC, purely as a convenience for keeping track of whether students have completed their industrial training.


  2. Introduce COMP2721 Higher Computing B - we currently have a course called COMP2811 Computing B which equals COMP1021 for second year Science students (who are not permitted to take COMP1021). By an administrative oversight, a "Higher" equivalent of COMP2811 was not introduced when we introduced COMP1721. This proposal aims to rectify this problem.


  3. Meeting student demand for places in courses, and range of courses, and size of lecture groups.

    Following discussion on the issues raised in the agenda item, and subsequent e-mail discussion, it was resolved that approvals for quotas in courses would be on a year-by-year basis, and each year a case would need to be made to the Teaching Committee indicating the reason for the quota and justifying the proposed numeric limit on class size.

    It seems that there is at least one mechanism under NSS to provide priority access to courses for those for whom the course is core (e.g. COMP2021 for CE but not CS in session 1 of second year) and this should be in place for 2002 (possibly also for PG Coursework for session 2 of 2001).

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Phone:  +61 2 9385 6876
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