The TC is a single committee with specific membership, in order to facilitate a more strategic and consistent focus on the school's programs as a whole.
Role | Name | Login |
Program Co-ordinators | Ken Robinson (SE) | kenr |
Sri Parameswaran (CE) | sridevan | |
Tim Lambert (CS) | lambert | |
Bruno Gaeta (Bio) | bgaeta | |
Eric Martin (PG cswk) | emartin | |
>First Year Director | Richard Buckland | richardb |
Assoc. Head of School | Jingling Xue | jingling |
Head of School | Paul Compton | compton |
Elected Members | Peter Ho | peterh |
Alan Blair | blair | |
John Shepherd | jas | |
Student Rep | ||
TC Chair | Arcot Sowmya | sowmya |
All other academics, stureps and administrative staff are invited, and strongly encouraged to attend and participate in discussion.