The TC membership currently includes: Head of School, Associate Head of School, Program Directors, Director of First Year Studies, Group Heads, FC Chair, Cluster Coordinators, Student Representatives.
Teaching Committee meetings are normally open to members of academic staff unless confidential issues (which might include the teaching allocation) are being discussed.
Role | Name | Login |
Head of School | Paul Compton | compton |
Assoc. Head of School | Bill Wilson (chair) | billw |
Program Directors | Ken Robinson (SE) | kenr |
Eric Martin (PG cswk) | emartin | |
Tim Lambert (CS) | lambert | |
Achim Hoffmann (CS) | achim | |
Sri Parameswaran (CE) | sridevan | |
Ashesh Mahidadia (CE) | ashesh | |
Bruno Gaeta (Bio) | compton | |
First Year Director | Andrew Taylor | andrewt |
FC Chair | Manuel Chakravarty | chak |
Teaching Cluster Coordinators |
bgaeta andrewt elgindyh sridevan sowmya kenr kaie keller lxue sjha achim paramesh anymeyer emartin | |
Student Reps |
zche222 ajcl378 jamesk ykch658 hras151 mjya073 hyc mrla036 dsox417 |