The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee CSE Education Committee 24/08)
will be held at noon on Wednesday, 07 August 2024, in K17-113 and on Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 19 July 2024 John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    10 mins 4.0 Course Auditing

    CSE academics are not always using course auditing appropriately.
    How we should be doing it.

    Victoria Jenkins
    10 mins 4.1 Software Eng Specialisation in MIT

    There has been student demand for a Software Engineering stream in the MIT.

    Preliminary proposal

    Eric Martin
    10 mins 4.2 Ethics and Professional Issues in MIT

    ACS requires all students (both UG and PG) to have some exposure to ethics and professional issues.

    Preliminary proposal

    Sebastian S-G
    15 mins 5.1 Maths in the CSE Curriculum

    What do we need students to learn in and retain from Math 1A/1B? Would bespoke maths courses be more suitable for our students?

    Raveen De Silva
    15 mins 5.2 Statements on use of AI in Courses

    We are now required to make a statement in our ECOS Course Outlines on acceptable uses of AI in courses. Should we develop a school-wide policy/statement that everyone can use? Or are there enough differences in courses/assessment types that a range of statements is needed?

    10 mins 5.3 2025 Enrolment Caps

    It looks like the federal goverment will impose caps on the number of international students enrolled in UNSW in 2025. We may have a say on which programs we can reduce enrolment intakes in. If we have a choice, which programs would we reduce?

    Arcot Sowmya
    5 mins 5.4 Scholarship Criteria

    Should we expand the criteria for UGCA1585 and UGCA1617 scholaships to include high achievement in the European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics?

    Raveen de Silva
    5 mins 5.5 Exam Scan

    UNSW is offering a number of ways to collect students' answers from exams. Here is another.

    Sebastian S-G
    5 mins 5.6 Course Titles

    Some courses titles have been modified informally in places like Webcms3 and Teaching Allocation. Should we change the course titles formally? Examples:

    • COMP2521 Data Structures and their Algorithms
    • COMP6771 C++ Programming
    • COMP9024 Data Structures and their Algorithms
    • COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
    • COMP9417 Machine Learning
    • COMP9418 Advanced Machine Learning

    Are there others? ... Note: Cannot stray too far from current version, unless you plan a serious revision.

    Unfortunately, it is just too late for 2025.

    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE Anybody
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Sonit Singh
    5 mins 6.4. Report on Workload Committee/Formula Wayne Wobcke
      7. Closure