The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee CSE Education Committee 24/07)
will be held at 12 noon on Friday, 19 July 2024, on Teams.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


    2 mins 1. Opening of Meeting, recording of those present, and apologies

    Apologies: Flora Salim, Sanjay Jha, Rahat Masood, Gustavo Batista, Claude Sammut, Raymond Wong
    John Shepherd
    2 mins 2. Confirmation of Minutes of Previous Meeting held on 14 June 2024 John Shepherd
    6 mins 3. Review of Action Sheet John Shepherd
    30 mins 4.1 Cyber Security Program: Specialisations, Honours

    The Bachelor of Cyber Security (Sydney) (Program 3777) is well on the way to being approved to run next year. The next step is to add specialisations and an honours version.

    The Sydney program will be kept "in alignment" with the Canberra program via a Cyber Program Quality and Alignment Committee with academic and education members from both CSE, Engineering, Professional Studies and an external member from Science.

    Draft Program Structures for Cyber Security Specialisations and Honours

    Richard Buckland
    Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 4.2 Online Cyber Security Programs

    UNSW Online, in consultation with stakeholders, wishes to change entry criteria to the online cyber security programs.

    8649 Master of Cyber Security
    5649 Graduate Diploma in Cyber Security
    7649 Graduate Certificate in Cyber Security

    John Shepherd
    15 mins 4.3 2025 Course Offerings

    CSE is involved with roughly 135 course offerings each year. Some we run (COMPxxxx), some we supply lecturers to (DESNxxxx), some are online (ZZENxxxx), etc. This does not include 4th-year thesis and special project courses.

    In the last education committee meeting, we identified courses that could potentially be rested in 2025 to free up teaching resources for large corse courses.

    It is now close to the time when we need to decide on our course offerings for 2025.

    List of "restable" courses
    DRAFT course offerings for 2025
    Andrew Taylor
    Wayne Wobcke
    10 mins 4.3a Course Offerings

    The TSAs have some issues with academics (a) not providing information about availability, and (b) changing their minds about how courses are run (e.g. tutes or no tutes). This creates headaches for Timetabling and the TSAs (SebK, specifically) have to be the interface that puts in these difficult requests.

    Sebastian Kandi
    15 mins 5.1 Maths in the CSE Curriculum

    What do we need students to learn in and retain from Math 1A/1B? Would bespoke maths courses might be more suitable for our students?

    Raveen De Silva
    15 mins 5.2 Statements on use of AI in Courses

    We are now required to make a statement in our ECOS Course Outlines on acceptable uses of AI in courses. Should we develop a school-wide policy/statement that everyone can use? Or are there enough differences in courses/assessment types that a range of statements is needed?

    10 mins 5.3 2025 Enrolment Caps

    It looks like the federal goverment will impose caps on the number of international students enrolled in UNSW in 2025. We may have a say on which programs we can reduce enrolment intakes in. If we have a choice, which programs would we reduce?

    Arcot Sowmya
    5 mins 5.4 Software Eng Specialisation in MIT

    There has been student demand for a SOftware Engineering stream in the MIT.

    Preliminary suggestion"

    Eric Martin
    5 mins 5.5 Scholaship Criteria

    Should expand the criteria for UGCA1585 and UGCA1617 scholaships to include high achievement in the European Girls' Olympiad in Informatics?

    Raveen de Silva
    5 mins 5.6 Course Titles

    Some courses titles have been modified informally in places like Webcms3 and Teaching Allocation. Should we change the course titles formally. Examples:

    • COMP2521 Data Structures and their Algorithms
    • COMP6771 C++ Programming
    • COMP9315 DBMS Implementation
    • COMP9417 Machine Learning
    • COMP9418 Advanced Machine Learning

    Are there others? ... Note: Cannot stray too far from current version.

    John Shepherd
    5 mins 6.1. Report(s) from Committees outside CSE Anybody
    5 mins 6.2. Report on Cyber Security Programs Working Group Salil Kanhere
    5 mins 6.3. Report on UNSW Online Sonit Singh
    5 mins 6.4. Report on Workload Committee/Formula Wayne Wobcke
      7. Closure