The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 22/03)
will be held at 11:00am on Friday, 29 July 2022, on Zoom

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting *

    CSE Teaching Committee 22/02 (1 April 2022)

    Coming soon ...

  3. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.

    • Engineering Academic Programs Committee
    • others?

  4. New Program: B Adv Comp Sci

    Ths proposal has passed EAPC and APAG. If it's passed by Academic Board, we want to offer it starting 2023.

    Program proposal in ECLIPS.

  5. New Stream: COMPA2 Computer Science Minor

    Alan Blair is proposing a minor stream in computer science to be available degrees from Commerce and Science.

    Stream proposal

  6. New Course: Natural Language Processing

    Imran Razzak is proposing a new course in Natural Language Processing.

    Course proposal.

  7. Revived Course: Game Design Workshop

    Sasha Vassar plans to revive the game design workshop course last taught by Malcolm Ryan in 2014.

    Course description in ECLIPS.

  8. 2023 Planning

    Suggested course offerings are available. Teaching preferences have been collected (from most people). We should check through the allocation of staff to courses (available by the time of the meeting) to ensure that (a) everyone has an appropriate workload, (b) we can cover all courses that we plan to offer.

    Andrew Taylor has suggested that we consider not offering a number of courses with small enrolments.

    Summary of changes for 2023:

    • add COMP2511 to T1
    • move COMP3311 from T3 to T2
    • add COMP4431 to T3
    • move COMP6771 from T2 to T1
    • move COMP6441 from T1 to T3 (run one last T1 version in 2023?)
    • move COMP6443 from T2 to T1
    • move COMP6991 from T3 to T1
    • drop COMP9322 (T3), COMP9323 (T2)

  9. Review of Year 1/2 Core

    Since the advent of UNSW 3+, there has been gradual topic trimming in courses like COMP1511, COMP1521, ... This leads to problems in the following courses where assumed knowledge has not been covered. We need to re-consider the UG core to determine what outcomes we want from the five core courses, and then determine how to spread topics across these courses (1511, 1521, 1531, 2511, 2521) to achieve these outcomes. Do we need an extra core course?

  10. Review of PG Core

    Once, the UG and PG core were similar. Over time they have drifted apart. While we are reviewing the UG core, should we also consider the PG core? Should we make it closer to UG, so that we can co-teach some courses?

  11. Plagiarism Checking

    Jake Renzella is proposing to trial CodeQuiry, a plagiarism checker for programs that compares against submissions for the current course as well as "public datasets (they claim 100 million sources)".

  12. CS and MIT Specialisations

    The specialisations in both the UG and PG degrees have always been "light"; they have such minor variations from the standard program that students can potentially meet the requirements for two or three specialisations. In addition, some specialisation have become non-viable with the dropping of some courses from the curriculum. Are there good reasons for continuing with these specialisations? Pedagogical? Marketing?

    The following highlights some issues with specialisations:

  13. Any Other Business