A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee
(CSE Education Committee 21/05)
will be held at 11:00am on Friday, 27 August 2021,
via Zoom.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Teaching Committee 21/04 (9 July 2021)
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Reports on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.
Software Engineering Review
Fethi Rabhi will discuss a review of the Software Engineering degree taking place in 21T3.
From Fethi's email ...
The review will be driven by a number of sub-groups that will look at the articulation between several courses in the degree. So far, we have the following sub-groups:
a. Review of formal methods
b. Review of Requirements Analysis, Agile and Interface Design
c. Review of Front and Back end software design
d. Review of Management and ethics
The review process will proceed as follows:
1. Each sub-group will have a number of School members expert in this field working independently and will produce a report with specific recommendations during T3
2. All recommendations will be discussed with various parties as they are produced (e.g. TC, industry, LICs).
3. A final report containing all the final recommendations will be produced in November 2021.
Please let Fethi know by 3rd September 2021:
1. If you want to be involved in one of the sub-groupsThis is open to anyone involved in CSE teaching (academics, casuals, adjuncts).
Course Offerings 2022
It is now definitely time to start planning for next year. One significant planned change is to run COMP1521, COMP1531 and COMP2511 in every term. We should also try to balance the number of courses offered in each term; at present we have too many courses in T2 and T3, relative to T1
A (very) preliminary teaching allocation for 2022 is available.
The workload formula will be applied more strictly than in the past.
Thesis B+C
For noting: students will not be permitted to enrol in Thesis B and Thesis C together unless they have a mark of HD for Thesis A and strong support from the supervisor.
Plagiarism Handling
We (CSE) seem to be overwhelming SCIU with plagiarism cases. It may be time to modify the plagiarism handling in CSE.
ACOA and Course Outlines
UNSW has developed a new system for us to enter course outlines. It is partly pre-populated from official data in ECLIPS, and can rollover course outlines from previous terms.
Inspera and Online Exams
UNSW has imported (bought) a system to author/run online exams. Seems to have some nice features (e.g. notifications to all students currently sitting the exam), but trial users have expressed some dissatisfaction with it. And it doesn't yet handle programming questions.
DESN2000 and DESN3000
Wayne Wobcke will report on developments in these courses.
EngAust Accreditation
The visit went ok. The only feedback I have so far is that they weren't happy with the frequency and feedback from IAB meetings.
ACS Accreditation
Some extra course material needs to be collected and made available to ACS.
Any Other Business