A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Eeducation Committee
(CSE Teaching Committee 20/03)
will be held at 10:00am on Friday, 28 August 2020,
under Teams.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Apologies: ?
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
Coming soon ...
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Reports on any interesting/relevant developments that have occurred in committees, working-groups, etc. at UNSW.
Developments inside CSE
Workload Allocation (CSE-Workload-Model-2020.pdf).
EngAust and ACS Accreditation
Upcoming Events
Enrolments 20T3
Enrolments seem to have held up well, despite COVID.
Enrolments in the UNSW Online courses continue to grow.
Teaching Online 20T2
20T2 was the first term with fully online courses. Experience and lessons learned.
Online Exams 20T2
Online, open-web, non-invigilated exams. Some cheating detected. Can it be prosecuted this term? Can it be prevented in future?
Design Next Courses
DESN2000 ran for the first time in 20T2 for CompEng and SENG. Feedback?
DESN3000 will run for the first time next year. Suggestions for content/projects?
Viability of Streams
Some majors/streams/specialisations have problems
Should we continue to offer all current streams? Should we offer new streams?
14 → 12 → 10 → 9
Term times have been compressed. Many courses haven't taken account of this; still trying to deliver 12 weeks content in 9 weeks. Is it time to review all courses and either change delivery strategy, trim, or re-distribute content? E.g. should we move to six level1/2 core UG courses?
Any Other Business