A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Eeducation Committee
(CSE Teaching Committee 20/02)
will be held at 1:00pm on Friday, 05 June 2020,
under Teams.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Apologies: Wen Hu
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Teaching Committee 20/01 (07 February 2020)
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant developments that have occurred in committees, working-groups, etc. at UNSW.
Developments inside CSE
The Workload Model Committee has completed its work: CSE-Workload-Model-2020.pdf
Recent Events:
Teaching Practices Workshop, Thu 30 April
Convenor/Admin Induction, Mon 25 May
Tutor Training Workshop, Fri 29 May
Upcoming Events:
EngAust and ACS Accreditation
Need to start collecting: course outlines, examples of student work, ...
Enrolments 20T2
Enrolments seem to have held up well, despite COVID. Andrew Taylor will present the latest figures.
This year also sees the first (serious) intake of new students in Term 2. This will be an ongoing feature: three intakes per year, with T1 likely to be large, T2 not so large, and T3 larger than T2.
Enrolments in the UNSW Online courses continue to grow. These are based on 8-week "hexamesters" and intakes happen in all 6 hexamesters. CSE teaches into the Data Science and Data Analytics programs, and will soon (late 2020) be teaching as a major partner in the new Cyber Security program.
MyExperience 20T1
Overall, CSE went reasonably well in the MyExperience surveys for 20T1. Maybe this is not surprising, given that a transition to online would (should?) have been easier for us than for other schools. We briefly review the 20T1 results.
Functioning of Education Committee
Sowmya would like to discuss the EdC process for course proposals and approvals.
Overlap/Duplication in CSE Courses
As noted at the previous meeting there is some overlap in the content covered between project-based courses in the School. Similar concerns have been raised over other topics (e.g. machine learning) appearing in multiple courses. Some recent course proposals have highlighted the need for new courses to be complementary to existing courses, not overlapping with them.
At some point, the School must review all courses, build a map of the current curriculum, and use this as a basis for streamlining offerings.
New Workload Model
Wayne Wobcke's Workload Model Committee has developed a model for the amount of teaching academic staff members should do. The next step is to apply the model uniformly in teaching allocation. This requires the establishment of a Workload Committee to review the teaching allocations and to ensure that the work is spread reasonably evenly across the School. For 2020, where teaching allocation is largely locked in, the Committee's initial task would be to review the current "state-of-play".
We need to discuss the composition of the Committee and its proposed activities.
New Course: COMP9491 Applied Artificial Intelligence
Yang Song is proposing a new ADK course to allow students to extend what they learned in previous AI courses, and design, build and analyse an AI-based software system.
Proposal in AIMS: COMP9491
New Course: COMP9433 Introduction to Computational Methods for Robotics
Wafa Johal is proposing a new ADK course in the robotics area.
Proposal in AIMS: COMP9433
New Course: COMP93xx Data Analytics on Graphs
Xuemin Lin is proposing a new ADK course on algorithms for computing on large-scale graphs.
Proposal in AIMS: COMP93xx
Any Other Business