Minutes of the meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee
(CSE Education Committee 18/03)
held at 1:00pm on Friday, 13th July 2018,
in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.
Enquiries concerning these minutes should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Present: | John Shepherd (JAS) (chair), ??? |
Apologies: | Maurice Pagnucco |
Absent: | ??? |
In Attendance: | Joanna Ryan |
Present / Quorum: ? / 5 (quorum ? reached) |
Apologies and Welcome
Meeting commenced at 1:06pm.
Apologies received from: Maurice Pagnucco
Minutes of Previous Meeting
No objections to minutes of Meeting 18/02
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Engineering Programs Committee: UNSW3+ and 4th-year Theses discussed.
Enrolment Numbers
Too high.
Program Review:GradCert/GradDip/Masters in Information Technology
Review underway. Joanna has set up a survey.
UNSW3+ Readiness
Some of the UNSW3+ Course Readiness forms have been filled.
18s1 Postmortem
Exam Reviews
The Engineering Faculty policy hasn't progressed.
Supplementary Exams
Make sure everyone puts Supp Exam Policy in Course Outline.
New UNSW Programs Policy
UNSW is developing a new policy on the design and implementation of programs and courses.
New Course: COMP1010 Programming for Everyone
No further progress on this. Will have to run COMP1000/1400 in 2019.
Any Other Business