A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee
(CSE Teaching Committee 18/03)
will be held at 12:00pm on Friday, 13th July 2018,
in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Education Committee 18/02 (30 May 2018)
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.
Enrolment Numbers
Enrolment numbers continue to grow. Popular courses no longer fit in any lecture theatre except Clancy. How should we arrange lectures to deal with this? Multiple live streams? (in parallel? at separate times?) WEB streams?
Program Review: GradCert/GradDip/Masters in Information Technology
Progress report on how the Program Review preparations are progressing.
UNSW3+ Readiness
Progress report on how well-prepared we are for 10-week terms.
18s1 Postmortem
Lessons learned from Assessment review. If MyExperience results are out, we can consider these.
Exam Reviews
The Engineering Faculty has been considering a policy on how we allow students to review their exams.
Supplementary Exams
CSE has a wide-range of approaches to Supplementary Exam eligibility. Some Schools have a school-wide policy. Different Schools have different school-wide policies. At least students know what to expect within each school. Should CSE consider this? If not, Supp Exam policy needs to be included in each Course Outline.
New UNSW Programs Policy
UNSW is developing a new policy on the design and implementation of programs and courses. On first glance, there are some issues for our courses.
New Course: COMP1010 Programming for Everyone
A new course to replace COMP1000 and COMP1400. Focus on solving problems in Python and spreadsheets. Something like Harvard's CS50.
Any Other Business