Enquiries concerning these minutes should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd (JAS) (chair),
Annie Guo (HG),
Fethi Rabhi (FR),
Bruno Gaeta (BG),
Eric Martin (EM),
Gelareh Mohammed (GM),
Jashank Jeremy (JJ),
Evan Kohilas (EK)
Maurice Pagnucco
Andrew Taylor,
Alan Blair,
Helen Paik,
Wen Hu
In Attendance:
Ron van der Meyden (RvdM),
Richard Buckland (RB),
Nina Rodgers (NR),
Joanna Ryan
Present / Quorum: 5 / 7 (quorum 5 reached)
Apologies and Welcome
Meeting commenced at 1:06pm.
Apologies reeived from: Maurice Pagnucco
Minutes of Previous Meeting
No objections to the minutes of the CSE Education Committee (27 October 2017).
Business arising from minutes:
- synchronise pre-reqs between AIMS and the Handbook ... completed in April 2018
- how other universities structure Honours ... ongoing
- how many people transfer BE->BSc to graduate ... ongoing
- write an updated FAQ for academic staff ... ongoing
- converting double-badged courses to hybrid ... ongoing
- policy for Supp Exams ... ongoing
- academic staff induction ... ran in O-week 18s1
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Faculty Education Committee (JAS):
- no proposals from CSE (for a change)
- UNSW3+ course readiness is being handled by Lyndon Zahra
- UNSW3+ course re-development is being handled by Steven Parker
- UNSW3+ Course Readiness forms are needed NOW
Academic Board (RB):
- nobody on Academic Board thinks UNSW3+ will be a problem
New Course: Cryptocurrency and Distributed Ledger Technology
RvdM presented the case for and details of a course in
Cryptocurrency and Distributed Ledger Technology.
- need to change to a hybrid course code to allow both PG+UG enrolments
- editing needed:
- RB: prereqs: 3441 should be [39]441/6[48]41
- BG: "computer science" used in reference to School; should be cs+e
- JAS: in Learning Outcomes, "understand" is frowned upon
- BG: is "byzantine" a technical term in this context?
- RvdM: course is fairly technical; GenEds in the area already available?
- RvdM: content includes: open blockchains (currency) plus different networks, different protocols, etc., plus application space (Ethereum, smart contracts, etc.)
- JAS: does 6[48]41 provide sufficient pre-req knowledge
- RB: yes: zero knowledge protocols (0KP), hashing, cryptography
- RvdM: none of the CSE theory courses go quite far enough
- JJ: is there overlap with COMP9243?
- RvdM: will consult with convenor of that course
- EM: make it an ADK!
- JJ: MATH3411 as a pre-req?
- RvdM: probably not a useful pre-req, theory is too high level
- EM: is the 48UOC pre-req for COMP6441 problematic for PG students?
- RB: COMP6441 pre-req for PGs will be fixed soon
- EK: does it need a data structures background (e.g. COMP9024)
- EM: are assessments individual or group-based?
- all assessments are individual
- JAS: get relevant consultations and we'll send to EPC
Action: Proposal (with minor changes) approved to go forward to Engineering Programs Committee.
New Programs: GradCert/GradDip/Masters in Cyber Security
RB presented the case for and details of PG awards in Cyber Security.
- RB: we always said we didn't want a Security degree,
but other Unis are doing it (even without staff to lecture it), so ..
- RB: people want to take the UNSW courses, but employers won't
pay for them unless there's a certificate at the end
- RB: so we propose 24UOC GradCert, 48 UOC GradDip, 72 UOC Masters
(comparable in size to what other Unis are offering)
- EM: seems to have OS as core?
- RB: OS or Networks, and they'll need to complete chain of pre-reqs
- EM: what's COMP9025, RB: combination of COMP9021 and COMP9024
- EM: projects look compulsory
- RB: articulation from GC to GD requires one project; from GD to Masters requires two
- RB: goal is to avoid criticism that "it's just all theory"; provides capstone
- EM: what are ZEIT courses?
- RB: courses offered by UNSW Canberra
- EK: OS as a prereq for Digital Forensics?
- RB: that would need to be fixed: drop OS in 6445
- EM: it can't possibly be done full-time
- richardb: most of the target students can't do it full-time anyway
- EM: UNSW doesn't like programs like that?
- RB: should we attach a warning?
- JAS: who's teaching all of these courses?
- RB: industry expects, unfortunately
- EM: don't get good feedback on them
- JAS: what if they disappear?
- RB: we are recording this year's offerings aggressively
- RB: we also have two groups of academics to teach them
- EK: are there one or two project courses?
- RB: a 6 UoC or a 12 UoC project, to taste
- JAS: what's the course code for the projects?
- RB: jas or Stuart Upton to create those courses
- NR: Stuart Upton
- emartin: will it be accredited?
- RB: accreditation is probably not needed, and isn't really looked for
- EK: could a CSE graduate take these programs?
- RB: probably not possible to do if you've already done COMPY1
- JAS: some details need cleaning up in the proposals
Action: Proposals (with changes) approved to go forward to Faculty Programs Committee.
Revised Programs: GradCert/GradDip/Masters in Information Technology
JAS discussed the proposed changes to the PG course programs.
Rationale for changes:
- new entry requirements (MATHs up to level 2) don't work
- too difficult for Admissions to work out; many cases bounced to us
- allowed in some "under-qualified" students (low-grade maths, but "level 2")
- need simple rules for Admission to apply, especially if Student Office staff are cut
JAS: it looks like official UNSW3+ and CSE versions of course offerings are now in synch.
JAS: a little bit of reorganising offerings now has T1 and T2 looking similarly heavy, but T3 is heavier than the other two.
Any Other Business
EK: when are we changing double-badged courses to hybrid codes?
JAS: sometime ...