The University of New South Wales

Notice of Meeting

A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee (CSE Education Committee 17/3)
will be held at 12:00pm on Friday, 05 May 2017, in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.

Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494,

John Shepherd
Committee Chair


  1. Apologies and Welcome

  2. Minutes of Previous Meeting *

    CSE Education Committee 17/2 (5 May 2017)

  3. Business from Previous Meeting

    To Do:

    • check proposed pre-reqs; update in AIMS
    • investigate what other Universities do for Hons
    • how many people transfer from 4-year to 3-year degrees simply to graduate
    • investigate changing dual-badged courses to hybrid
    • develop induction package for new (casual) academic staff
    • develop FAQ for all academic staff
    • encourage lecturers to run exams in the Labs

  4. Reports from Bodies outside CSE

    John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.

  5. UNSW3+ Developments

    We have provided the UNSW3+ development team with

    • offering schedules (in which term each course will be offered)
    • program schedules (suggested order for students to take courses)
    • course "templates" (how courses will be offered, hours/week)

    Still of concern in UNSW3+ are: the reduced StuVac, the shortened turn-around time in exam marking, and the lack of time for Supps.

  6. Review of 17s1 Teaching and Assessment

    How did we cope with a significant increase in enrolments? How much increase?

    How did CSE fare in MyExperience compared to the rest of the Faculty?

    How did CSE courses stack up in the Faculty Assessment Review Group?

    Transition to the new Core syllabus.

  7. Program Revision: 5543 Graduate Certificate in IT

    The Grad Cert needs to be changed to align better with the revised Masters of IT. Eric Martin will discuss.

  8. School-wide policy for Supp Exams?

    At present there is a wide range of Supp Exam policies across courses in the School. Students find it confusing. But maybe this is inevitable, given the range of course types.

  9. Any Other Business