A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Teaching Committee
(CSE Teaching Committee 17/1)
will be held at 12:00pm on Friday, 31 March 2017,
in Room 103 (HoS Meeting Room), Computer Science Building.
Enquiries concerning this agenda should be directed to John Shepherd, extension +61293856494, jas@cse.unsw.edu.au.
John Shepherd
Committee Chair
Apologies and Welcome
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
CSE Education Committee 17/1 (31 March 2017)
Business from Previous Meeting
CN put all of the pre-reqs into SiMS and the Handbook (her final great act in CSE). Some problems have emerged this week (1-5 May) in a small number of UG pre-reqs and have now been fixed. JS is re-looking at them and will post a new set next week for re-checking.
To Do:
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
John Shepherd will report on any interesting/relevant devlopments that have occurred in committees, work-groups, etc. at UNSW.
New Courses and Pre-requisites
The introduction of the new core syllabus means that we need to consider how it might affect follow-on courses, and also consider whether current pre-requisite courses are appropriate. John Shepherd will present some suggestions on how this might be done.
Course Rationalisation
The Faculty is requesting that we reduce the number of courses that we offer. Maurice Pagnucco will explain the request and how CSE is responding.
New Assessment Policy
UNSW published a new assessment policy in February 2017. There are three documents describing this on the Governance website:
We will summarize these and discuss the implications.
Course Revision: COMP2111 System Modelling and Design
As part of the review of the Software Engineering degree, COMP2111, which has been providing skills for the year-2 workshop courses, is being revised. The course has proved difficult for students in the past, because they appear not to have had sufficient mathematical background. The revision attempts to address this, and changes how COMP2111 integrates with the year-2 workshop courses.
Course Revision: SENG2011 Workshop on Reasoning about Programs: from Specification to Implementation
As part of the review of the Software Engineering degree, the workshop courses are being reworked. This proposal presents a revision for one of the second-year SE workshop courses. The new course will become the second year-2 workshop, and follow on from the revised COMP2111.
Course Revision: SENG2021 Requirements and Design Workshop
As part of the review of the Software Engineering degree, the workshop courses are being reworked. ThIs proposal presents a revision for one of the second-year SE workshop courses. The new course will become the first year-2 workshop.
Four-year Computer Science Degree
Should we have a four year CS degree? Should it be something like the advanced science degree? Should it replace the current 3-year degree? How would affect CS Honours? Alan Blair will introduce the topic and lead discussion.
Support for Casual Lecturers
CSE now relies heavily on casual lecturers to get its large 1st and 2nd year courses taught. While this has been quite successful in the past, recent instances of problems suggest that we need a more systematic approach to: appointing, inducting and supporting such staff. Wayne Wobcke will introduce the issue.
For noting: BINF3111/4111 Revisions
BINF3111 and BINF4111 were recently revised to satisfy a request from the Engineers Australia accreditation panel.
Engineers Australia noted that BINF4111 had been removed from the proposed program BINFAH stream presented to them after the accreditation visit in May. They felt that this reduced the amount of project/investigative experiences in the degree below an acceptable threshold, and requested that additional project-based courses be introduced (and made it a mandatory requirement for the next accreditation).
Since the degree is already crowded, with content coming from multiple Schools, there was no room to add a new course. The solution: drop BINF3020 and use its content as the basis for the project work in BINF3111 and the re-introduced BINF4111.
Bruno Gaeta will discuss further if needed.
Any Other Business