A meeting of the Computer Science and Engineering Education Committee
was held at 12pm Friday 7 October 2016
in room K17-103 (HoS Meeting Room).
Apologies and Welcome
The meeting commenced at 12:10pm.
Minutes of Previous Meeting *
John Shepherd pointed attendees to the minutes of the previous meeting on 8 July 2016.
Reports from Bodies outside CSE
Most of the proposals have been fully approved. The full list includes:
One approval that hasn't yet gone through, but is being discussed at the University Academic Programs Committee this morning is 3778 Computer Science.
Status of Academic Proposals (new streams/courses)
The above item covers the status of the proposals.
JAS noted that all courses to be run in 2017 had people assigned to develop their syllabi in more detail, if not necessarily teach them. COMP1511: JAS to develop and teach, COMP1521: Sri Parameswaran to develop, COMP1531: Fethi Rabhi to develop, COMP2521: JAS to develop and teach. Raymond Wong has agreed to develop the COMP9900 Information Technology Project course, which will first run in 17s2. Initially, it will be a relatively small postgraduate course, but needs to be able to scale to larger numbers, including COMP3900 Computer Science project.
Update on Review of Software Engineering Program
Fethi Rabhi described the process that had been followed in the SE Program review, including consultation with industry and current and potential students. The overall design consulted the ACM curricula in IT and Software Engineering and the IEEE SWEBOK. The process has been extensively documented.
Review of MIT Degree Structure and Core Courses
Eric Martin will initiate discussion within the School on we how might better structure the MIT degree offering so that students have sufficient, relevant courses to choose from for each semester of their study.
Implementing the new Core Courses
Item 4 above indicates who will develop the new course material.
Teaching at Scale
Some discussion on the potential problems (including Echo360 as a basis for WEB streams). This is ongoing work.
For noting: Accreditation Status
We are close to coming to an agreement with ACS on accreditation.
For noting: New CATEI
MyExperience surveys have now run. Response rates have improved. Results are not yet available.
Any Other Business
Any Other Business
The meeting closed at 1:30pm.