The meeting commenced at 2:10
Present: John Shepherd (chair), Eric Martin, Bruno Gaeta, Sri Parameswaran, Arthur Ramer (scribe), Oliver Diessel, Will Uther, Sebastian Maneth, Adam Brimo, Alan Blair (later), Malcolm Ryan (later).
Apologies: Jingling Xue, Wayne Wobcke, Paul Compton.
Minutes of the last meeting (December 2009) were approved by voice vote.
Actions following from the last Minutes:
None were reported. Since there were many actions flagged, they need to be progressed soon.
Comments following from consideration of minutes:
JAS reported on academic matters:
New course proposal (Web Data Compression and Search) presented by Sebastian Maneth:
Proposal approved by voice vote.
Other Business:
BG: Number of units of credit for theses needs to be addressed
This point follows from SK's report on 4th-year theses;
the option of an "extended" thesis, for more credit units,
in increments of 6UC has been flagged within the Faculty.
A new course in Management and Ethics in Computing had been flagged for development.
Action: Wayne to report on progress towards development of new course at next TC meeting
Action: Adam will discuss rationale and proposed changes with KR
CATEI: general discussion around the lack of response by students last semester; it was noted that the surveys had closed before the exams in 09s2, whereas in previous semesters they had remained open until after the exams; there was consensus that the surveys should close before exams commence, and we need to encourage students more to fill them out.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
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