CSE Teaching Committee, Tentative Agenda for Meeting

Hos Meeting Room, L1, CSE 25 Sept 2009, 2 PM

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  2. Actions following from Minutes

  3. Report on Academic matters (AS)

  4. CS Program Revision and new program proposal
  5. First Year Course Name Revision
  6. Specific Priorities for 2010 and beyond
    1. Hybrid Courses and effect on programs
    2. 3 UoC courses- to be eased out by 2011
    3. Project courses- refinement
    4. CSE Course Numbering Scheme
    5. Bioinformatics Revision Plans
  7. Any other business

    1. New Networks Course Proposal from EET

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA

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