The meeting commenced at 2 PM.
Present: Arcot Sowmya (chair), Paul Compton, Richard Buckland, Wayne Wobcke, Sri Parameswaran, Oliver Diessel, others?
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 27 Mar were approved as a true record.
Actions following from Minutes
Report on Academic Matters
The major item to report was AS's attendance at Engineers Australia's Accreditation Workshop held at UTS on 8th May. The presentations included background information on the process and accreditation criteria. Tying criteria to competency standards is important, in particular Graduate attributes set by the university. The accreditation process follows a five year cycle. Information on current standards and other documents are available on Engineers Australia's website.
Program Revisions for 2010
Ensuring Stability in first year course content
All current and recent first and second year course lecturers, as well as First Year Director Richard Buckland, were invited to the discussion of this item in particular.
AS opened the discussion, stating that she planned a series of discussions on this important topic, and suggesting that the starting point was to agree on the goals for the discussions. The pros and cons of maintaining stability in first/second year course offerings were mentioned. AS suggested that the meeting should agree on goals, process and schedule for these discussions.
The current status is that there is a new syllabus in place since 2006, in particular with new first and second courses across the programs. The sequencei of courses offered to students are:
PC spoke to the necessity and advantages of course stability, and RB spoke about the core curriculum and need to ensure stability. RB's suggestions included writing the exam paper before start of teaching, retaining and making available copies of previous set of slides/notes for the new lecturer, and developing and recording detailed syllabus on a weekly basis.
After much discussion, the following was agreed upon:
A working group headed by Richard Buckland to be set up. It would discuss:
ACTION: AS to set up the WG by mailing all first and second year lecturers, inviting them to join the WG.
Deferred Items
The following items were deferred to the next meeting:
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The University of New South Wales
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