The meeting commenced at 2:05 PM.
Present: Arcot Sowmya (chair), Paul Compton, Richard Buckland, Alan Blair, Wayne Wobcke, John Shepherd, Eric Martin, Wang Wei, Arthur Ramer (scribe)
Late Arrivals: N. Parameswaran, Bruno Gaeta, Ken Robinson, Malcolm Ryan, Tim Lambert, Peter Ho, Oliver Diessel
Apologies: Bill Wilson, Cassandra Nock
Minutes of the previous two meetings held on 15 May and 3 July were approved.
Actions following from Minutes
AS reported on
It was noted from the floor: COMP1921 (LiC - N Parameswaran) and COMP1917 (when taught by R Buckland) include some elements of ethics. There was general discussion on the courses (with ethics component) that are required for students in different programs. It was observed that the Graduate Attributes may include some ethics issues.
WeiW presented the proposal. AS stated that all new elective course proposals s face the following queries at the Faculty Education Committees: reasons for a new elective, how it relates to existing courses in the same disciplinary area, effect on enrolment in the other electives, course assessment plans.
General discussion (NP, AB, RB, AS, WW) occurred on the merits of having addition standard textbook (C Manning. Introduction to Information Retrieval, 2008) is rather too advanced. The discussion continued (NP, EM, WW, WeiW, AS) on whether other courses cover this subject already. AS stated that the justification for the proposal needs to be strengthened; NP expressed a similar sentiment. In response to PC's query on timing, AS stated that while the deadline for the new edition of the online handbook was mid Aug, new entries could be made to it any time, and the aim should be to get it in before students re-enrolled in early December. AS asked about projected enrolment numbers, and effects on Data Mining course.
ACTION: It was recommended that the proposers bring back a revised proposal to the next meeting.
AS brought up this issue at the request of Sanjay Jha. Whenever new elective courses are approved or existing ones revised, elective lists maintained by the school office should be updated, to ensure that students had access to all available courses at enrolment time.
JAS noted that there was a project underway (jointly between CSE and Academic Admin) to build a new academic proposal system that would check such things and then lead on to automatic generation of the Handbook. If this system were to eventually be accepted by UNSW, there would be no need to maintain School lists.
The current CS Honours program makes no provision for Honours Class 3. AS stated that a recent case tested this, and the Faculty has advised program revision to cater for any future cases. Cassandra Nock has searched and found at least a few other Science schools which do award this class. The revision was approved.
ACTION: CS Honours revision to be submitted to Faculty UGEC.
The rate of course revisions should be discussed.
AS suggested that TC out on hold any further course and program revisions this year, to allow itself time to consider strategic issues related to teaching matters.
School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
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