CSE Teaching Committee, Tentative Agenda for Meeting

L4 Meeting, K17-401K

3 July 2009, 2 PM

  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  2. Actions following from Minutes

  3. Report on Academic matters (AS)

    1. New Hybrid Course approved COMP6721 (In-)Formal Methods: the lost art

    2. Faculty T&L Strategy Meeting
    3. Faculty Undergraduate Education Committee Meeting

  4. Report from WG on First/Second Year Course Contents (RB)

  5. New/revised courses- effects on elective lists

  6. 2010 course and program initiatives (deferred from previous meetings)
    1. General Strategies
    2. Specific Priorities for 2010 and beyond
  7. New course proposal Information Retrieval and Web Search
  8. Any other business

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA

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