Comments from Ron van der Meyden on Richard's Computer Forensics Proposal Re Richard's proposal: he seems to think that a revised submission of 9441 is needed. Its not clear to me why. The document I sent him is just the orginal proposal that I submitted. He has been teaching somewhat different material, but the intentions for the "new" crypto course seem to be just the original intentions. Details of the last time I did the course are still here: If Richard never put through a revision for his changes to content, I don't see that it is really necessary to make any changes to 9441 as far as the university is concerned (except maybe changing the course code, if that is necessary). However, the relationship to Wireless Security needs to be looked at. I guess Richard OK'd this on the basis that he was teaching the different material, but I suspect that there may be a larger overlap with the old version. (I would personally need to be persuaded that the wireless crypto course is a good idea. There is probably far less that is special about the wireless setting than is being made out -- except for the fact that the wireless security standards have a history of being notoriously badly designed.)