CSE Teaching Committee, Agenda for Meeting, 20 September 2007

  1. Previous meetings and issues arising from them - John Shepherd

  2. Course Proposal: GSOE9220 Quantum Information and Computation - Arthur Ramer

  3. Course Revision: COMP4151 Advanced Topics in Concurrency - Ron van der Meyden

  4. Program Revision: 3647 Bioinformatics - Bruno Gaeta

  5. Course Proposal: BINF3010 Bioinformatics Methods - Bruno Gaeta

  6. Course Proposal: BINF3020 Representations and Algorithms in Bioinformatics - Bruno Gaeta

  7. Managing teaching load(s) in CSE - John Shepherd, Richard Buckland
    (some thoughts on teaching allocation by Jingling Xue)
    (results of teaching load survey by John Shepherd)

  8. Review of foundation streams (COMP19[12][17], COMP2911) - Richard Buckland
    (revisions for these courses passed at Faculty Standing Committee)

  9. Any other business

On-going issues:

School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA

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