- Previous minutes and issues arising from them - John Shepherd
- Changes to Masters programs - Eric Martin
- New Course Proposal Engineering Decision Structures - Arthur Ramer
- Year 0 and ENGGxxxx Fundamentals of Computing - Maurice Pagnucco
- Review of Engineering Week 2006
- CATEI and end-of-session course evaluations - Bill Wilson
- UNSW change to 12-week semesters - John Shepherd
- Heads-up: Summer session 2007-2008 (proximity to 07s2) - John Shepherd
- Heads-up: Review of COMP1911/1921/2911 - Richard Buckland
- Heads-up: Documenting graduate attributes and course inputs/outputs - John Shepherd
- Any other business
Postponed to a future meeting:
- Future directions in CSE curricula
(Computer forensics? Games development? Service-oriented computing?)
School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
Last updated: