Agenda for Teaching Committee Meeting on 4 June 1999

  1. Should COMP4001 Object-oriented System Development (possibly modified) become a COMP2 or COMP3 subject?

  2. Progress report from working party on COMP1091 Introduction to Programming with C (Tim Lambert, Arun Sharma, John Shepherd).

  3. New subject proposal: Multimedia Authoring and Cooperative Agents
    For content, see also Home page: COMP4012
    Proposers: Jesse Jin and Paramesh

  4. New subject proposal: COMP4logic
    Proposer: Norman Foo

  5. New subject proposal: COMP3120 Fundamentals of Algorithms (3 units of credit). This subject is needed to complete the definition of the revised BE(CE) course.
    Proposers: Hossam ElGindy and Jingling Xue

  6. New subject proposal: COMP4912 Thesis Part C (3 units of credit). This needs to be specified, in conjunction with a change in Units of credit for COMP4910 Thesis Part A from 6 to 3.
    Proposer: Arcot Sowmya

Other current issues:
School of Computer Science & Engineering
The University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052, AUSTRALIA
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