1.1 Course ID COMP9314
1.2 Course name – Next Generation Database Systems
1.3 Course name – Next Generation Database Systems
1.4 Course Authority A/Prof X. Lin ext/email
1.5 Organisational Unit responsible for course
School/Department: CSE AOU Code: E250
1.6 Revision of Course Summary Checklist
Indicate the type of revision proposed by checking the appropriate box(es).
X to amend the Handbook description |
X to vary the pre-requisites or co-requisites |
1.7 Justification of Proposal
The School currently teaches a number of database courses, but these are typically centered around foundational or methodological topics (e.g. normalisation, SQL, etc.). Apart from COMP9315, which addresses research-level issues in DBMS implementation, a specialised topic, there are currently no courses that provide students with access to research issues in the database field. COMP9314 was originally developed to address these topics, but over the last few offerings was taught with a focus primarily on XML databases, and it has now not been offered for over four sessions. This proposal revises COMP9314 to offer students the opportunity to learn the current trends in database systems and information engineering. In the last several years, database research has shifted away from the “classic” relational paradigm to deal with novel data types (e.g. semi-structured, multimedia) and with novel approaches to accessing and processing data (e.g. streams). To reflect such a change of “current trends”, the course needs to be substantially revised.
1.8 Consultation Process
Which other interested parties, including other academic units, students and visiting committees, have been consulted on this proposal? Provide further details under sections 2.3 and 2.4 and attach any copies of correspondence.
We consulted HOS and associate HOS.
1.9 Units of credits Session/s offered Hours Per Week
6 S2 3
Pre-requisites: COMP3311(or COMP9311) and COMP2011(or COMP9024) and WAM80+
(or postgraduate research student in programs 1650, ....)
1.11 Current Entry in the Faculty Handbook, with Proposed Revision Clearly Indicated or
Proposed Entry in the Faculty Handbook (including course description)
Old: Detailed examination of current developments and future trends in database, web, and e-commerce technologies. The emphasis will be on the following topics: modeling, querying, and integrating e-catalogs, integration frameworks for B2B EC applications, and web-based databases.
New: Detailed examination of current developments and future trends in database, web technologies and multimedia applications. The emphasis will be on the following topics: data streams, Web databases, Web searching, multimedia databases.
Course description
We will introduce stream data management system and Web application based database system, respectively, with the focus on query processing optimization techniques. We will also introduce the state-of-art technology in Web searching and multimedia databases. These include:
1) Stream Computation, 2) DB & IR, 3) Web Searching & XML technology, 4) Indexing and Searching for Multimedia Data.
1.12 Is this course replacing an existing course?
NO |
X |
1.13 Undergraduate / Postgraduate – both – assessment will differ
1.14 Elective
1.15 Program stage
Indicate the program stage in which the course is usually taken.
Year 3 and 4 undergraduate students, as well as postgraduate students.
1.16 Program/s in which course is be available
Provide course code and course name (address any servicing implications under sections 2.3 and 2.4).
Available to any student doing single degree and combined degrees in CSE.
1.17 Proposed teaching methods and assessment practices
Assignments + Final Exam.
1.18 Assessment grades to be used
Full range of grades ie. HD, DN, CR, PS, FL.
1.19 Mode of delivery
Internal |
X |
1.20 Information Technology Requirements for students
Standard resources available in the school.
1.21 Textbooks
No single textbook. The course materials will be mainly based on tutorial materials from recent major international conferences.
Recommended References:
M. Garofalakis, J. Gehrke, and R. Rastogi, Query and Mining Data Streams: You only get one look, Tutorial Notes in VLDB2002.
Selected papers from the conference proceedings of SIGMOD, VLDB, ICDE, SIGKDD, SIGIR, etc.
D. Feng, W.C.Siu and H.J.Zhang, Multimedia Information Retrieval and Management, Springer, 2003.
R. Baeza-Yates and B. Ribeiro-Neto, Modern Information Retrieval, Addison Wesley, 1999.
1.22 Industrial experience component
2.1 Enrolments
Estimated or proposed enrolments for the next three years.
2005: |
2006: 20 |
2007: 20 |
2.2 Additional Resource Requirements Resulting from Revision
Staffing Requirements:
Hours per week
0 Full-time Academic Staff |
0 Part-time Teaching Staff |
0 General Staff |
Field Costs: |
N/A |
Studio/Laboratory Requirements: |
N/A |
Materials Requirements: |
N/A |
Equipment Costs: |
N/A |
Computing Requirements: |
Standard for CSE course, already available |
Library Requirements: |
Standard requirements for a research course |
Capital funds Requirements: |
N/A |
2.3 Servicing Implications:
2.4 Teaching Arrangements:
(i) Will other units contribute on a regular basis to the teaching of this course?
NO |
X |
(ii) If so, which units are involved and what proportion of the course will they teach?
2.5 Alternative Delivery Arrangements:
2.6 Multi-mode Delivery Guidelines
2.7 Details of Tuition Fees:
Proposed fee: Standard for an engineering course.
$ for non-award enrolment (local) |
$ for non-award enrolment (international) |
$ for course which forms part of full fee-paying course (local) |
$ for course which forms part of full fee-paying course (international) |
3.1 University Librarian’s Endorsement
Note: this section of the Proposal must be signed by a Library representative, stating:
I have examined the Library needs related to the above proposal and certify that existing Library holdings, staffing, services and accommodation are adequate / inadequate (delete one) to cover the demands that are inherent in it.
Appropriate arrangements for the use of digitised material to support this course have been made by the Course Authority with the University Librarian.
Further Comments:
University Librarian
/ /2005
3.2 Head of School’s Approval
Note: this section of the Proposal must be signed by the Head of School, stating:
I have examined the resource implications of the above proposal in regard to staff, space, materials, equipment, capital funds, and computing, and certify that the School can cover the demands that are inherent in it.
Further Comments:
Head of School
/ /2005
3.3 Dean’s Approval
Note: this section of the Proposal must be signed by the Dean, stating:
I have examined the resource implications of the above proposal in regard to staff, space, materials, equipment, capital funds, and computing, and certify that:
(Tick whichever is applicable)
3.3.1 (i) the proposal involves no additional resources. (A statement from the Head of School explaining how this can be achieved must be provided); or
(ii) the proposal involves additional resources and it is proposed to redeploy existing resources within the faculty. (A statement from the Head of School explaining how this will be achieved must be provided); or
(iii) the proposal involves additional resources to be obtained as set out below; or
(iv) the additional resources essential to bring the proposal into effect cannot be found within resources available to the faculty.
3.2.2 Fees (delete if not applicable):
a fee will not be charged for this program (other than HECS)
a fee will be charged for this program for local fee-paying students
a fee will be charged for international students
If a fee is to be charged the Dean certifies as follows:
I have ensured that the Vice-Chancellor has been advised of the proposed fee arrangements, and note that approval of fee arrangements is needed before the new program can be implemented.
3.3.3 the proposal conforms to the University's commitment to Equal Opportunity in Education.
Statement from Head of School on Source of Additional Resources and/or Further Comments:
/ /2005