However, as JAS points out:
"As long as we set down a significantly difficult entry criteria,
I think we can limit the number of applications to a small number
of very bright students (which, I presume, is the target audience
for this project anyway). We should have done this in the TC
meeting where we discussed this case, but I don't recall a
concrete proposal, so here's a suggestion:
3rd year CS students can undertake COMP3902 Special Project (12UoC) provided that:
Relationship of this project to CS Hons:
COMP3902 would use the full range of grades (FL/PS/CR/DN/HD). Assessment by project report, to be marked in the same sort of way as a COMP4910/1 project.
The proposal that went to Faculty in 2003 differed in some regards (prerequisites, etc.) and included a 6 UoC version (COMP3901). The original proposal was for an 18 UoC project. Students who are approved for such a project could do COMP3901 and COMP3902 together. Students in any of our programs can take COMP3901/2, provided they have the permission of their program director, which of course may not be forthcoming.
The final version of the prerequisites:
Prerequisites: Permission of program director. Students proposing to take this course must have an average of at least 80% in COMP, SENG, and BINF courses that they have taken, and they must have completed at least 48 UoC of such courses, and have obtained the agreement of a project supervisor.