Formal Methods for Embedded Systems
An IFIP 1.8 Workshop happening during Formal Methods Week

November 5, 2009, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Speakers and abstracts


Contact email:

Workshop organisers

Rob van Glabbeek
Locked Bag 6016
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW 1466

Ursula Goltz
Technical University Braunschweig
Institute for Programming and Reactive Systems
D-38106 Braunschweig
Tel.: +49 531 391 3277
Fax: +49 531 391 8111

Bas Luttik
Technical University Eindhoven
Computer Science Department
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)40 247 5142
Fax: +31 (0)40 247 5361

Uwe Nestmann
Technical University Berlin
Fakultät IV (EECS)
Sekr. FR 6-2 (MTV)
Franklinstrasse 28/29
D-10587 Berlin


Embedded systems gain more and more relevance in industrial applications. Methods for the design and validation of software intensive embedded systems have become a very important research focus in engineering and in computer science.

Formal methods are widely accepted as an important topic in this domain, due to rising safety and quality requirements. They provide for instance

  • models for system architecture and functionality with a sound formal basis,
  • precise specification of system properties,
  • methods for formal verification.

The goal of this workshop is to summarise research from different areas of formal methods targeted to embedded systems and to promote the use of formal methods in different applications and in the engineering discipline for embedded systems.

Participation: All speakers are invited by us. To participate in the meeting, please register your interest by mailing
Participation costs 45 euro, and yields coffee/thee and lunch. Participants also need to registeer for FMWeek, which costs an additional 35 euro (administration costs).

Proceedings: The speakers are encouraged to make supporting material like slides and papers available on this website. However, there are no formal proceedings, and the same material presented here can also be submitted elsewhere.

Rob van Glabbeek, Formal Methods Group, National ICT Australia.