Check that all the data for your team is correct. Contact us urgently at if there are any mistakes in this data.

Use the Trial Task to test the submission process. Verify that it works using the machine and configuration you will use in the competition. You should receive confirmation that your submission was accepted. (The submission is not marked, so no other feedback is provided.)

Trial Task »

Welcome to the UNSW High Schools Programming Competition.

From 2018, we have a brand new website incorporating practice and competition. Go to

To participate in the competition, you need to use your team name and PIN provided when you registered your team. You should try to do the trial task a day or two early. Open round is on Friday 16th June.

Important note. The judges are only interested in genuine, feasible attempts at the tasks, even if they are only partly working or developed. Do not enter hand-generated, edited or irrelevant answers in the program output box, and copy only the corresponding code in the code box. Submissions that aren't legitimate attempts may attract negative marks, or even result in your team's disqualification.

Login »

0) { list($schoolName, $teamName, ) = preg_split("/\t/", $buffer); if ($teamName == $user) { $teamLine = $buffer; break; } } } pclose($handle); } $header = split("\t", $headerLine); $team = split("\t", $teamLine); ?>
$desc) { if ($desc == "PIN") continue; if (preg_match("/Surname/", $desc) != 0) continue; if (preg_match("/(Member [123]) First Name/", $desc, $output) != 0) { $dsp_desc = $output[1]; $dsp_data = $team[$idx] . " " . $team[$idx+1]; } else { // Trim descriptions if (preg_match("/(Official|Supervising) (.*)/", $desc, $output) != 0) { $dsp_desc = $output[2]; } elseif (preg_match("/(Member [123]) Email/", $desc, $output) != 0) { $dsp_desc = $output[1] . "'s Email"; } else { $dsp_desc = $desc; } $dsp_data = $team[$idx]; } $dsp_data = trim($dsp_data); if ($dsp_data == "") { $dsp_data = " "; } ?>