Chee Liang's visit 2005, at Rossini's in Circular Quay, Sydney. L to R: Yokelin (Tan) Foo, Chan Chor Keen, Yeo Chee Liang, Suet Heng Yeo, Peklin (Chiew) Wong, Ow-Yang Chee Wah, Me, Lam Ah Lek, Siew Chee Ow-Yang. |
Me and Rafidah Aziz, Sydney 2005, during Badawi's visit. |
Choong Kong's visit 2004, Rossini's at Circular Quay, Sydney. L to R: Chang Choong Kong, Lam Ah Lek, Keelah Lam, Peklin (Chiew) Wong, Me. |
Soo Kong's party in Vancouver, 2004. Back row, L to R: Lam Tho Sang, Goh Loke Heng, (Thomas) Yang Tai, (Chimes) Chung Chee Min, Chan Yuen Tuck. Front row, L to R: (Norman) Foo Yeow Khean, Stanley Loh, Lee Kor Voon, Chang Soo Kong. |
Lunch Feb 2004, KL. L to Right: Beh (Khoo) Suat Pheng, Chung Choeng Hoy, S. Baskaran, Poon Yew Chin, Yeo Chee Liang, Lee Lee Khoo (Mrs Khee Ming). |
Me and old VI debating team buddy Sheila Sodhy Reznikov, Adelaide Dec 2001. |
K. Arichandran, Tan Hong Siang and Norman Foo, Lake Club, Feb 2006. |
Lee Kor Voon and Stanley Loh, the VI Everly Bros ride again! Vanvouver 2004, in Soo Kong's house. |
In a KL Thai restaurant, Feb 2004. Back L t R: Tay Leng Kuan, Yeo Chee Liang, Suet Heng Yeo; Front L t R: Baskaran, Poon Yew Chin, and somebody's head. |
Same KL Thai restaurant, Feb 2004. L t R: Me (Norman Y.K.), Chong Sze Nen, Tharman, Yeo Chee Liang, Khoo Khee Ming. |
Mid 2004, Brighton Le Sands, Sydney. Norman and Yokelin, with N's side-kick Poolo Jothy and his wife Marina. |
In Birmingham, Dec 2006. Norman with soul mate Tay Chong Young at the Bullring. |
Mid 2004 in Sydney, Donald Koh (Swee Peng), Me and Yokelin, Don's daughter Sue and son-in-law Brad. |
Norman and bosom pal Chang Soo Kong in Vancouver, 2004. |
Norman and Yokelin, with Sebastian Lenehan, baby son of Craig Lenehan and Selena Choo (god-daughter of N+YL), April 2006. |
Norman and Yokelin with Eng (Lim) and Chee Min Chung (CHIMES!!), Vancouver 2004. |
L t R: Norman (SC'59), Lee Chee Meng (SC'60) and Chua Chon Sin (SC'60); Chinatown Sydney, May 2006. |
Khoo Khee Ming and wife Lee Lee. |
At the VIOBA, Dec '04. L t R: Melvyn Silvester, Ng Kim Boon and Yeoh Kok Wah. |
Jim Croll and Norman along the canal in Regent's Park, London, December 2006. |
Rosemary (Ross) Nash and Norman, in her home at Watchet, Somerset, UK, Dec 2006. |
Peter Koh (Tong Bak) and Norman in Eastwood, Sydney, July 2006. |
The Gang of Four from Upper Six, 1961 -- in Mike Loo's backyard in Reading, UK, July 2006. |
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