[Picture of Maurice!]

Professor Maurice Pagnucco

Deputy Dean (Education)
Dean's Unit, Level 6, Building K17,
Faculty of Engineering,
University of New South Wales,

Telephone: +61 2 9385 5000
Email: morri@cse.unsw.edu.au
WWW: http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~morri/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mauricepagnucco/?originalSubdomain=au

I am the Deputy Dean (Education) of the Faculty of Engineering at UNSW. I was previously the Head of the School of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from July 2010 to September 2019. I am a Professorial Fellow at the iCinema Centre for Interactive Cinema Research, Deputy Director of Creative Robotics Lab (CRL) and Co-Director of the Intelligent Environments Lab. I was the President (mid-2016 -- mid-2018) and the Immediate Past President (mid-2018 -- mid-2020) of the Australian Council of Deans of ICT (ACDICT). I was previously Chair of NICTA (now Data61; Australia’s national ICT centre of excellence) University Partner Committee and Chair, NSW Steering Committee for Digital Careers.

Research Interests

My Ph.D. dissertation is entitled The Role of Abductive Reasoning within the Process of Belief Revision (click on this link to view the abstract and, if you wish, download a gzip'ed postscript version). It deals mainly with the belief revision framework developed by Alchourrón, Gärdenfors and Makinson (AGM) and uses this theory to investigate various abductive belief revision operators. My broader research interests involve general approaches to belief revision and to reasoning about actions, including computational aspects, and approaches to abduction/explanation and their applications. I am also interested in the areas of theory revision and scientific theory formation.

My main research interests lie in Artificial Intelligence:

You may also like to try Legolog. This is a Prolog-based system developed to allow experimentation with and demonstration of Cognitive Robotics research on the LEGO® MINDSTORMSTM Robotics Invention System (RIS)TM (in particular Golog).


A list of my publications can be obtained from DBLP and Google Scholar.

Competitive Research Grants

A list of the competitive grants with which I have been involved can be accessed here.

Research Projects for Students

I am actively recruiting PhD, Masters by Research, Postgraduate Coursework Masters research project and Honours/Thesis students. The following link provides a description of some of my current research projects. Interested candidates with relevant academic background please send me an email including your CV and transcripts.

You can follow this link for Honours project suggestions (requires a CSE student login).

I am part of two Vertically Integrated Projects that undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students can be involved in through courses ENGG2600, ENGG3600 and ENGG4600):

Current Teaching