MCK Publications
Papers on MCK, epistemic model checking, and algorithms for epistemic logic.
(Additional papers on other aspects of epistemic logic are available
On the specification and verification of atomic swap smart contracts (extended abstract),
R. van der Meyden,
Proc. IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency, 2019
(Full version: arXiv:1811.06099)
Symbolic Model Checking of
Probabilistic Knowledge, Xiaowei Huang, Cheng Luo, and Ron van der Meyden, TARK2011,
July 2011
Abstraction for Epistemic Model Checking of
Dining-Cryptographers based Protocols, Omar I. Al-Bataineh and R. van der Meyden,
arXiv:1010.2287 extended version of paper in
Model Checking Knowledge in
Pursuit-Evasion Games, X. Huang, P. Maupin and R. van der Meyden, IJCAI2011, July 2011
Improved bounded model
checking for a fair branching-time temporal epistemic logic, Xiaowei Huang, Cheng Luo,
and Ron van der Meyden, July 2010
Abstraction for Epistemic
Model Checking of Dining Cryptographers-based Protocols, Omar I. Al-Bataineh and R. van
der Meyden, Oct 2010
Epistemic Model Checking
for Knowledge-Based Program Implementation: an Application to Anonymous Broadcast, O.
Al-Bataineh and R. van der Meyden, SecureComm'10, 6th International ICST Conference on
and Privacy in Communication Networks, Singapore, Sept 7-9 2010.
The Complexity of
Epistemic Model Checking: Clock Semantics and Branching Time, X. Huang and R. van der
Meyden, ECAI- 2010 (Extended version)
Improved Bounded Model
Checking for a Fair Branching-Time Temporal Epistemic Logic (Extended Abstract), X.
and C. Luo and R. van der Meyden, Proc. AAMAS 2010, (Copyright
Checking Russian Cards, H.P. van Ditmarsch, W. van der Hoek, R. van der Meyden, J. Ruan,
Electronic Notes in
Computer Science Volume 149, Issue 2 , 14 February 2006, Pages 105-123 Proceedings of the Third
Workshop on Model Checking and Artificial Intelligence (MoChArt 2005) August 27, 2005 - San
Francisco, CA, USA.
Synthesis of
Distributed Systems from Knowledge-based
Specifications, R. van der Meyden, T. Wilke, CONCUR 2005 - Concurrency Theory, 16th
International Conference,
Francisco, Aug 2005, pp. 562-576 An extended version of this paper appears as UNSW CSE technical
report 0504.
A knowledge based analysis of
cache coherence, K. Baukus and R. van der Meyden, International Conference on Formal
Engineering Methods,
Nov 2004, LNCS No. 3308, pp. 99-114.
MCK: Model Checking the
Logic of Knowledge, P. Gammie and R. van der Meyden, 16th International conference on
Computer Aided Verification,
2004, pp. 479- 483. (Copyright Springer-Verlag)
Symbolic Model Checking the
Knowledge of the Dining Cryptographers, R. van der Meyden and K. Su, 17th IEEE Computer
Security Foundations Workshop, Asilomar, June
2004, pp. 280-291
Common Knowledge and
Update in Finite Environments, R. van der Meyden, Information and Computation Vol 140,
No. 2, Feb 1998, pp. 115-157. A
preliminary version of this paper appeared in Proceedings of the Conference on Theoretical
of Reasoning about Knowledge, Pacific Grove CA, March 1994.)