Workshop on MOdel Driven Development for Middleware (MODDM)

November 27, 2006




ACM/IFIP/USENIX 7th International Middleware Conference

November 27 - December 1, 2006 MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA


Registration is now open!

The workshop will be held in the afternoon of  27th, Nov.




 Topics of Interest | Important Dates | Paper Submission | Committees | CFP (PDF and TXT)


Middleware refers to a broad class of software infrastructure technologies that use abstractions to simplify construction of distributed systems. While middleware has been widely used for developing distributed applications, and to solve many significant problems, its development and use is by no means straightforward. Model Driven Development (MDD) aims to raise the level of abstraction for software development by advocating the use of models as the key artefacts in software development, from system specification and analysis, to design and testing. The rapidly maturing MDA/UML tools and Microsoft’s software factory initiative and the Domain Specific Language (DSL) support state-of-the-art engineering practices in MDD.


MDD provides concepts and approaches for capturing and reusing knowledge in deployment platforms such as middleware. MDD therefore has played an important role in middleware domain, e.g.: 

  • Hiding modern middleware complexity in model-to-model and model-to-code transformation mechanisms is essential in improving productivity and quality of middleware application development

  • Patterns, best practices and domain expertise in middleware development are captured through abstract models and reusable code generation “cartridges” using MDD

  • Analytical models for middleware and middleware applications are useful in analyzing and predicting application characteristics. These models are often derived from design models using MDD.

  • Domain specific modeling using MDD is useful in building middleware-based applications tailored towards a specific domain.

  • Modern IDEs integrate middleware platform specific development with application business logic and make the business logic layer portable through MDD.


Topics of Interest


This workshop will bring together academic researchers, MDD tool builders and MDD practitioners, especially those targeting middleware platforms such as J2EE/.Net/CORBA/Web Services, WS-* frameworks, Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), Message bus, Web Service Management (WSM) platforms, workflow infrastructure, and EAI frameworks.  The topics of the workshop will include but are not limited to: 

  • Methods and tools for application modeling, model transformation and code generation in the context of middleware platforms

  •  Analytical models for middleware platforms and applications to study and predict their quality characteristics

  •  Approaches for variability modeling and middleware product lines

  •  Best modeling practices for middleware and cross-cutting concerns; aspect oriented modeling

  •  Approaches for modeling component and service middleware

  •  Middleware profiles for general-purpose modeling languages and domain-specific modeling languages. Comparisons of different approaches.

  •  Model driven testing for middleware platforms

  •  Model driven frameworks for quality attributes

  •  Model integration between middleware models and other models

  •  Platform monitoring, auditing, exception managements, measurement models for middleware

  •  Experience reports


  • 2:00- 2:45pm Invited Talk: A Model Based Approach for Simplifying Life Cycle Management of Composite SOA Solutions
    Michael H. Kalantar, IBM
    Bio: Michael H. Kalantar has been with IBM Research since 1997. His research interests include distributed systems, application provisioning, and automation. He received his B.Sc. from the University of Alberta in 1989 and his M.Sc. and Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1992 and 1995, respectively. He spent two years teaching computer science in China before joining IBM.
    Abstract: Today’s data center administrators face significant challenges deploying and configuring composite SOA applications. Configuration dependencies of these applications cut across software stacks, network layers, and middleware container boundaries. The deployment and configuration process requires combined expertise from multiple domains such as application, middleware, network, security, reliability, and performance. Today, there exist a plethora of product-specific middleware configuration tools. However, there does not exist a unified approach that takes into account the composite application end-to-end, the non-functional requirements and goals, and the target data center environment. In addition, there exists a gap between developers and operators where developers have no effective way to communicate application requirements to operations personnel, nor to take into account the target data center constraints and capabilities when developing the application. We argue that a new approach and new tools are needed to bridge this gap between developers and operators and will simplify the deployment and configuration process for composite SOA solutions. We propose a new model driven approach to achieve this goal that is based on models, patterns and high level (functional and non functional) requirements and goals. The approach seamlessly supports all of the participating roles: developers capture the logical structure of the application in a model, best practices experts define deployment models, transformation rules, and validation logic, deployers specify the required deployment pattern and goals, and an operator provides a model describing the data center resources. The tool helps an end deployer easily construct solutions that are guaranteed to be complete, correct, and actionable based on these four inputs. The deployment can be automated based on the model. Finally, we discuss open problems and opportunities in the area.

  • 2:45 - 3:15pm Models, Reflective Mechanisms and Family-based Systems to Support Dynamic Configuration
    Nelly Bencomo, Gordon Blair, Paul Grace

  • 3:15 -3:45pm Coffee Break

  • 3:45 - 4:15pm DSLBench: Applying DSL in Benchmark Generation
    Ngoc Bao Bui, Ross Jeffery

  • 4:15 - 4:45pm Auto-Tune Design and Evaluation on Staged Event-Driven Architecture
    Zhanwen Li, David Levy, Shiping Chen, John Zic

  • 4:45 - 5:15pm UML Profile for the Design of a Platform-Independent Context-Aware Applications
    Dhouha Ayed

  • 5:15 -5:30pm Wrap-up


Important Dates


Paper Submission: 1st, Sept (Extended!)

Acceptance Notification: 22nd, Sept

Camera-ready Copy:  8th , Oct


Paper Submission and Publication

All contributions will be  peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical quality and relevance to the workshop theme.  Papers must be no longer than six pages and follow the ACM SIG Proceedings Format. Papers should be submitted through our submission system. The workshop proceedings will be published on the ACM digital library. Authors of accepted papers must register for the workshop.


Organizing Committee


Ian Gorton, , Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA

Liming Zhu, , Empirical Software Engineering, National ICT Australia

Yan Liu, , Empirical Software Engineering, National ICT Australia

Shiping Chen, , Network Laboratory, CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia


Program Committee

Paul Brebner (CSIRO, Australia)

Aniruddha Gokhale (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Jeff Gray (University of Alabama at Birmingham , USA)

Jack Greenfield (Microsoft, USA)

John Grundy (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Lars Grunske (University of Queensland, Australia)

John Hosking (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Arno Jacobsen (University of Toronto, Canada)

Soon-Kyeong Kim (University of Queensland, Australia)

David Levy (University of Sydney, Australia)

Andrey Nechypurenko (Siemens Corporate Technology, Germany)

Kerry Raymond (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)

Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbilt University, USA)

Bruce Trask (PrismTech, USA)

Yanzhang Wang (Dalian University of Technology, China)

Ian Warren (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

Gerald Weber (University of Auckland, New Zealand)

