The Top 100 Theorems in Isabelle

The following are the theorems from this list proved so far in the Isabelle proof assistant.

If you have proved additional ones or know of any, please send me email so I can add them here.

If the theorem is not part of the Isabelle distribution, the entry will usually contain a link to the repository that does. The list does not automatically track the most recent version of each theorem. If you find one that that is out of date and would like me to update it, let me know.

1. Square Root of 2 is Irrational

theorem sqrt_prime_irrational: "prime p  sqrt (real p)  "

corollary sqrt_2_not_rat: "sqrt 2 ∉ ℚ"

2. Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

lemma fundamental_theorem_of_algebra:
  assumes nc: "¬ constant (poly p)"
  shows "z::complex. poly p z = 0"

3. Denumerability of the Rational Numbers

theorem rat_denum: "∃f :: nat ⇒ rat. surj f"

4. Pythagorean Theorem

lemma pythagoras:
  fixes a b c :: "'a :: real_inner"
  assumes "orthogonal (b - a) (c - a)"
  shows   "dist b c ^ 2 = dist a b ^ 2 + dist a c ^ 2"

5. Prime Number Theorem

Avigad et al. formalised the elementary Erdős–Selberg proof:

definition pi :: "nat ⇒ real"
  where "pi x = real (card {y::nat. y ≤ x ∧ prime y})"

lemma PrimeNumberTheorem: "(λx. pi x * ln (real x) / real x) ⇢ 1"

A formalisation by Eberl and Paulson of the shorter analytic proof is available in the AFP:

definition primes_pi :: "real ⇒ real" where
  "primes_pi x = real (card {p::nat. prime p ∧ p ≤ x})"

corollary prime_number_theorem: "primes_pi ∼[at_top] (λx. x / ln x)"

6. Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem

theorem Goedel_I:
  assumes "¬ {}  Fls"
  obtains δ where
      "{}  δ IFF Neg (PfP ⌈δ⌉)"
      "¬ {}  δ"
      "¬ {}  Neg δ"
      "eval_fm e δ"
      "ground_fm δ"

theorem Goedel_II:
  assumes "¬ {}  Fls"
    shows "¬ {}  Neg (PfP Fls)"

7. Law of Quadratic Reciprocity

theorem Quadratic_Reciprocity:
  assumes "prime p" "2 < p" "prime q" "2 < q" "p ≠ q"
  shows "Legendre p q * Legendre q p = (-1) ^ ((p - 1) div 2 * ((q - 1) div 2))"

8. The Impossibility of Trisecting the Angle and Doubling the Cube

theorem impossibility_of_doubling_the_cube:
  "x^3 = 2  (Point x 0)  constructible"

theorem impossibility_of_trisecting_angle_pi_over_3:
  "Point (cos (pi / 9)) 0  constructible"

9. The Area of a Circle

theorem content_ball:
  fixes c :: "'a :: euclidean_space"
  assumes "r ≥ 0"
  shows   "content (ball c r) = pi powr (DIM('a) / 2) / Gamma (DIM('a) / 2 + 1) * r ^ DIM('a)"

corollary content_circle:
  "r ≥ 0 ⟹ content (ball c r :: (real ^ 2) set) = r ^ 2 * pi"

10. Euler’s Generalisation of Fermat’s Little Theorem

lemma euler_theorem:
  fixes a m :: nat
  assumes "coprime a m"
  shows "[a ^ totient m = 1] (mod m)"

11. The Infinitude of Primes

lemma primes_infinite: "¬finite {p::nat. prime p}"

12. The Independence of the Parallel Postulate

13. Polyhedron Formula

corollary Euler_relation:
  fixes p :: "'n::euclidean_space set"
  assumes "polytope p" "aff_dim p = 3" "DIM('n) = 3"
  shows "(card {v. v face_of p ∧ aff_dim v = 0} + card {f. f face_of p ∧ aff_dim f = 2}) -
         card {e. e face_of p ∧ aff_dim e = 1} = 2"

14. Euler’s Summation of 1 + (1/2)^2 + (1/3)^2 + ….

theorem inverse_squares_sums: "(λn. 1 / (n + 1)2) sums (pi2 / 6)"

15. Fundamental Theorem of Integral Calculus

theorem fundamental_theorem_of_calculus:
  fixes f :: "real ⇒ 'a::banach"
  assumes "a ≤ b"
    and   "⋀x. x ∈ {a..b} ⟹ (f has_vector_derivative f' x) (at x within {a..b})"
  shows   "(f' has_integral (f b - f a)) {a..b}"

17. DeMoivre’s Theorem

lemma DeMoivre: "(cis a) ^ n = cis (real n * a)"

lemma DeMoivre2: "(rcis r a) ^ n = rcis (r ^ n) (real n * a)"

18. Liouville’s Theorem and the Construction of Transcendental Numbers

corollary transcendental_liouville_constant:
  "¬algebraic (standard_liouville (λ_. 1) 10)"

19. Lagrange’s Four-Square Theorem

theorem four_squares: "∃a b c d::nat. n = a2 + b2 + c2 + d2"

20. All Primes (1 mod 4) Equal the Sum of Two Squares

theorem two_squares:
  assumes "prime (p :: nat)"
  shows   "(∃a b. p = a2 + b2) = [p ≠ 3] (mod 4)

21. Green’s theorem

lemma GreenThm_typeI_typeII_divisible_region:
      assumes valid_typeI_div: "valid_typeI_division s twoChain_typeI" and
              valid_typeII_div: "valid_typeII_division s twoChain_typeII" and
              f_analytically_valid: "twoC  twoChain_typeI. analytically_valid (cubeImage twoC) (%x. (F x)  i) j"
                                    "twoC  twoChain_typeII. analytically_valid (cubeImage twoC) (%x. (F x)  j) i" and
              "only_vertical_division one_chain_typeI twoChain_typeI"
              "boundary_chain one_chain_typeI" and
              "only_horizontal_division one_chain_typeII twoChain_typeII"
              "boundary_chain one_chain_typeII" and
              "common_boundary_sudivision_exists one_chain_typeI one_chain_typeII"
      shows "integral s (%x. partial_vector_derivative (%x. (F x)  j) i x - partial_vector_derivative (%x. (F x)  i) j x) = one_chain_line_integral F {i, j} one_chain_typeI"
            "integral s (%x. partial_vector_derivative (%x. (F x)  j) i x - partial_vector_derivative (%x. (F x)  i) j x) = one_chain_line_integral F {i, j} one_chain_typeII"

22. The Non-Denumerability of the Continuum

theorem real_non_denum: "f :: nat  real. surj f"

23. Formula for Pythagorean Triples

theorem nat_euclid_pyth_triples:
  fixes a b c :: nat
  assumes "coprime a b" "odd a" "a⇧2 + b⇧2 = c⇧2"
  shows   "∃p q. a = p⇧2 - q⇧2 ∧ b = 2 * p * q ∧ c = p⇧2 + q⇧2 ∧ coprime p q"

24. The Undecidability of the Continuum Hypothesis


corollary ctm_ZFC_imp_ctm_not_CH:
    "M ≈ ω" "Transset(M)" "M ⊨ ZFC"
      M ⊆ N ∧ N ≈ ω ∧ Transset(N) ∧ N ⊨ ZFC ∪ {⋅¬⋅CH⋅⋅} ∧
      (∀α. Ord(α) ⟶ (α ∈ M ⟷ α ∈ N))"


corollary ctm_ZFC_imp_ctm_CH:
  "M ≈ ω" "Transset(M)" "M ⊨ ZFC"
    M ⊆ N ∧ N ≈ ω ∧ Transset(N) ∧ N ⊨ ZFC ∪ {⋅CH⋅} ∧
    (∀α. Ord(α) ⟶ (α ∈ M ⟷ α ∈ N))"

25. Schroeder-Bernstein Theorem

theorem Schroeder_Bernstein:
  fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b" and g :: "'b ⇒ 'a"
    and A :: "'a set" and B :: "'b set"
  assumes "inj_on f A" and "f ` A ⊆ B"
    and   "inj_on g B" and "g ` B ⊆ A"
  shows   "∃h. bij_betw h A B"

26. Leibnitz’s Series for Pi

theorem pi_series:
  "pi / 4 = ( k. (-1)^k * 1 / real (k*2+1))"

27. Sum of the Angles of a Triangle

lemma angle_sum_triangle:
  assumes "a ≠ b ∨ b ≠ c ∨ a ≠ c"
  shows   "angle c a b + angle a b c + angle b c a = pi"

30. The Ballot Problem

  "valid_countings a b = (if a  b then (if b = 0 then 1 else 0) else (a - b) / (a + b) * all_countings a b)"

31. Ramsey’s Theorem

lemma ramsey: "
  (s::nat) (r::nat) (YY::'a set) (f::'a set => nat).
  infinite YY
   (X. X <= YY  finite X  card X = r  f X < s)
   (Y' t'.
  Y' <= YY
   infinite Y'
   t' < s
   (X. X <= Y'  finite X  card X = r  f X = t'))"

34. Divergence of the Harmonic Series

theorem not_summable_harmonic:
  shows "¬summable (λn. 1 / real (n + 1))"

35. Taylor’s Theorem

theorem taylor:
  fixes a :: real and n :: nat and f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "n > 0" and "diff 0 = f"
    and   "∀m t. m < n ∧ t ∈ {a..b} ⟶ (diff m has_real_derivative diff (m + 1) t) (at t)"
    and   "c ∈ {a..b}" and "x ∈ {a..b} - {c}"
  shows "∃t. t ∈ open_segment x c ∧
             f x = (∑m<n. (diff m c / fact m) * (x - c) ^ m) + (diff n t / fact n) * (x - c) ^ n"

36. Brouwer Fixed Point Theorem

lemma brouwer:
  fixes f :: "'a::euclidean_space  'a"
  assumes "compact S" and "convex S" and "S  {}"
    and "continuous_on S f"
    and "f ` S  S"
  obtains x where "x  S" and "f x = x"

37. The Solution of a Cubic

lemma cubic:
  assumes a0: "a ≠ 0"
  shows "
  let p = (3 * a * c - b^2) / (9 * a^2) ;
      q = (9 * a * b * c - 2 * b^3 - 27 * a^2 * d) / (54 * a^3);
      s = csqrt(q^2 + p^3);
      s1 = (if p = 0 then ccbrt(2 * q) else ccbrt(q + s));
      s2 = -s1 * (1 + ii * csqrt 3) / 2;
      s3 = -s1 * (1 - ii * csqrt 3) / 2
  in if p = 0 then
       a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0 ⟷
           x = s1 - b / (3 * a) ∨
           x = s2 - b / (3 * a) ∨
           x = s3 - b / (3 * a)
        s1 ≠ 0 ∧
        (a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0 ⟷
            x = s1 - p / s1 - b / (3 * a) ∨
            x = s2 - p / s2 - b / (3 * a) ∨
            x = s3 - p / s3 - b / (3 * a))"

38. Arithmetic Mean / Geometric Mean

  theorem CauchysMeanTheorem:
  fixes z::"real list"
  assumes "pos z"
  shows "gmean z ≤ mean z"

39. Solutions to Pell’s Equation

theorem pell_solutions:
  fixes D :: nat
  assumes "k. D = k2"
  obtains "x0" "y0" :: nat
  where   "(x::int) (y::int).
             x2 - D * y2 = 1 
            (n::nat. nat ¦x¦ + sqrt D * nat ¦y¦ = (x0 + sqrt D * y0) ^ n)"

corollary pell_solutions_infinite:
  fixes D :: nat
  assumes "k. D = k2"
  shows   "infinite {(x :: int, y :: int). x2 - D * y2 = 1}"

40. Minkowski’s Fundamental Theorem

theorem minkowski:
  fixes B :: "(real ^ 'n) set"
  assumes "convex B" and symmetric: "uminus ` B ⊆ B"
  assumes meas_B [measurable]: "B ∈ sets lebesgue"
  assumes measure_B: "emeasure lebesgue B > 2 ^ CARD('n)"
  obtains x where "x ∈ B" and "x ≠ 0" and "⋀i. x $ i ∈ ℤ"

41. Puiseux’s Theorem

The formal Puiseux series 'a fpxs for some coefficient type 'a is defined as the type of functions rat ⇒ 'a for which the support is bounded from below and the denominators of the support have a common denominator:

definition is_fpxs :: "(rat ⇒ 'a :: zero) ⇒ bool" where
  "is_fpxs f ⟷ bdd_below (supp f) ∧ (LCM r∈supp f. snd (quotient_of r)) ≠ 0"

typedef (overloaded) 'a fpxs = "{f::rat ⇒ 'a :: zero. is_fpxs f}"
   morphisms fpxs_nth Abs_fpxs

It is then shown that if 'a is an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, then 'a fpxs is also an algebraically closed field:

instance fpxs :: ("{alg_closed_field, field_char_0, field_gcd}") alg_closed_field

42. Sum of the Reciprocals of the Triangular Numbers

definition triangle_num :: "nat ⇒ nat" where
  "triangle_num n = (n * (n + 1)) div 2"

theorem inverse_triangle_num_sums:
  "(λn. 1 / triangle_num (Suc n)) sums 2"

44. The Binomial Theorem

theorem binomial_ring:
  fixes a b :: "'a :: comm_ring_1"
  shows "(a + b) ^ n = (∑k=0..n. of_nat (n choose k) * a ^ k * b ^ (n - k))"

45. The Partition Theorem

theorem Euler_partition_theorem:
  "card {p. p partitions n ∧ (∀i. p i ≤ 1)} = card {p. p partitions n ∧ (∀i. p i ≠ 0  odd i)}"

46. The Solution of the General Quartic Equation

lemma quartic:
 "(y::real)^3 - b * y^2 + (a * c - 4 * d) * y - a^2 * d + 4 * b * d - c^2 = 0 
  R^2 = a^2 / 4 - b + y 
  s^2 = y^2 - 4 * d 
  (D^2 = (if R = 0 then 3 * a^2 / 4 - 2 * b + 2 * s
                   else 3 * a^2 / 4 - R^2 - 2 * b + (4 * a * b - 8 * c - a^3) / (4 * R))) 
  (E^2 = (if R = 0 then 3 * a^2 / 4 - 2 * b - 2 * s
                   else 3 * a^2 / 4 - R^2 - 2 * b - (4 * a * b - 8 * c - a^3) / (4 * R)))
   x^4 + a * x^3 + b * x^2 + c * x + d = 0 
      x = -a / 4 + R / 2 + D / 2 
      x = -a / 4 + R / 2 - D / 2 
      x = -a / 4 - R / 2 + E / 2 
      x = -a / 4 - R / 2 - E / 2"

47. The Central Limit Theorem

theorem (in prob_space) central_limit_theorem:
    X :: "nat  'a  real" and
    μ :: "real measure" and
    σ :: real and
    S :: "nat  'a  real"
    X_indep: "indep_vars (λi. borel) X UNIV" and
    X_integrable: "n. integrable M (X n)" and
    X_mean_0: "n. expectation (X n) = 0" and
    σ_pos: "σ > 0" and
    X_square_integrable: "n. integrable M (λx. (X n x)2)" and
    X_variance: "n. variance (X n) = σ⇧2" and
    X_distrib: "n. distr M borel (X n) = μ"
    "S n  λx. i<n. X i x"
    "weak_conv_m (λn. distr M borel (λx. S n x / sqrt (n * σ⇧2)))
        (density lborel std_normal_density)"

48. Dirichlet’s Theorem

theorem Dirichlet:
  assumes "n > 1" and "coprime h n"
  shows   "infinite {p. prime p ∧ [p = h] (mod n)}"

49. Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

theorem Cayley_Hamilton:
  fixes A :: "'acomm_ring_1^'nfinite^'n"
  shows "evalmat (charpoly A) A = 0"

51. Wilson’s Theorem

lemma wilson_theorem:
  assumes "prime p"
  shows   "[fact (p - 1) = -1] (mod p)"

52. The Number of Subsets of a Set

lemma card_Pow:
  "finite A  card (Pow A) = 2 ^ card A"

53. Pi is Transcendental

theorem transcendental_pi: "¬algebraic pi"

54. The Koenigsberg Bridges Problem

lemma eulerian_split:
  assumes "nodes G1  nodes G2 = {}" "edges G1  edges G2={}"
    "valid_unMultigraph G1" "valid_unMultigraph G2"
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail  G1 v1 ps1 v1'"
    "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail  G2 v2 ps2 v2'"
  shows "valid_unMultigraph.is_Eulerian_trail nodes=nodes G1  nodes G2,
          edges=edges G1  edges G2  {(v1',w,v2),(v2,w,v1')} v1 (ps1@(v1',w,v2)#ps2) v2'"

55. Product of Segments of Chords

theorem product_of_chord_segments:
  fixes S1 T1 S2 T2 X C :: "'a :: euclidean_space"
  assumes "between (S1, T1) X" "between (S2, T2) X"
  assumes "dist C S1 = r" "dist C T1 = r"
  assumes "dist C S2 = r" "dist C T2 = r"
  shows "dist S1 X * dist X T1 = dist S2 X * dist X T2"

56. The Hermite-Lindemann Transcendence Theorem

theorem Hermite_Lindemann:
  fixes α β :: "'a ⇒ complex"
  assumes "finite I"
  assumes "⋀x. x ∈ I ⟹ algebraic (α x)"
  assumes "⋀x. x ∈ I ⟹ algebraic (β x)"
  assumes "inj_on α I"
  assumes "(∑x∈I. β x * exp (α x)) = 0"
  shows   "∀x∈I. β x = 0"

corollary Hermite_Lindemann_original:
  fixes n :: nat and α :: "nat ⇒ complex"
  assumes "inj_on α {..<n}"
  assumes "⋀i. i < n ⟹ algebraic (α i)"
  assumes "linearly_independent_over_int (α ` {..<n})"
  shows   "algebraically_independent_over_rat n (λi. exp (α i))"

57. Heron’s formula

theorem heron:
  fixes A B C :: "real ^ 2"
  defines "a ≡ dist B C" and "b ≡ dist A C" and "c ≡ dist A B"
  defines "s ≡ (a + b + c) / 2"
  shows   "content (convex hull {A, B, C}) = sqrt (s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))"

58. Formula for the Number of Combinations

theorem n_subsets:
  "finite A  card {B. B  A  card B = k} = (card A choose k)"

59. The Laws of Large Numbers

 theorem (in prob_space) strong_law_of_large_numbers_iid:
   fixes X :: "nat ⇒ 'a ⇒ real"
   assumes indep: "indep_vars (λ_. borel) X UNIV"
   assumes distr: "⋀i. distr M borel (X i) = distr M borel (X 0)"
   assumes L1:    "integrable M (X 0)"
   shows "AE x in M. (λn. (∑i<n. X i x) / n) ⇢ expectation (X 0)"

60. Bezout’s Theorem

lemma bezout_gcd_nat:
  fixes a b :: nat
  shows "∃x y. a * x - b * y = gcd a b ∨ b * x - a * y = gcd a b"

61. Theorem of Ceva

lemma Cevas:
  fixes a :: "'a::euclidean_space"
  assumes MidCol : "collinear {a,k,d} ∧ collinear {b,k,e} ∧ collinear {c,k,f}"
  assumes TriCol : "collinear {a,f,b} ∧ collinear {a,e,c} ∧ collinear {b,d,c}"
  assumes Triangle : "¬ collinear {a,b,c}"
  shows "dist a f * dist b d * dist c e = dist f b * dist d c * dist e a"

63. Cantor’s Theorem

lemma Cantors_paradox: ∄f. f ` A = Pow A

64. L’Hôpital’s Rule

lemma lhopital:
  fixes f g f' g' :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "f ─x→ 0" and "g ─x→ 0"
  assumes "∀⇩F u in at x. g u ≠ 0"
  assumes "∀⇩F u in at x. g' u ≠ 0"
  assumes "∀⇩F u in at x. (f has_real_derivative f' u) (at u)"
  assumes "∀⇩F u in at x. (g has_real_derivative g' u) (at u)"
  assumes "filterlim (λx. f' x / g' x) F (at x)"
  shows   "filterlim (λx. f x / g x) F (at x)"

65. Isosceles Triangle Theorem

lemma isosceles_triangle:
  assumes "dist a c = dist b c"
  shows   "angle b a c = angle a b c"

66. Sum of a Geometric Series

lemma geometric_sums:
  "norm c < 1  (λn. c^n) sums (1 / (1 - c))"

lemma suminf_geometric:
  "norm c < 1  (∑n. c ^ n) = 1 / (1 - c)"

67. e is Transcendental

corollary e_transcendental_real: "¬ algebraic (exp 1 :: real)"

68. Sum of an Arithmetic Series

lemma double_arith_series:
  fixes a d :: "'a :: comm_semiring_1"
  shows "2 * (∑i=0..n. a + of_nat i * d) = (of_nat n + 1) * (2 * a + of_nat n * d)"

69. Greatest Common Divisor Algorithm

The greatest common divisor is defined in the semiring_gcd typeclass. Instances are provided for all the basic types, such as naturals, integers, and polynomials. The most important properties are:

lemma gcd_dvd1:     "gcd a b dvd a"
  and gcd_dvd2:     "gcd a b dvd b"
  and gcd_greatest: "c dvd a ⟹ c dvd b ⟹ c dvd gcd a b"

70. Perfect Number Theorem

theorem perfect_number_theorem:
  assumes even: "even m" and perfect: "perfect m"
  shows " n . m = 2^n*(2^(n+1) - 1)  prime ((2::nat)^(n+1) - 1)"

71. Order of a Subgroup

proposition (in group) lagrange_finite:
  assumes "finite (carrier G)" and "subgroup H G"
  shows "card (rcosets H) * card H = order G"

72. Sylow’s Theorem

theorem sylow_thm:
  assumes "prime p" and "group G" and "order G = p ^ a * m" and "finite (carrier G)"
  obtains H where "subgroup H G" and "card H = p ^ a"

73. Ascending or Descending Sequences

lemma Erdoes_Szekeres:
  fixes f :: "_  'a::linorder"
  shows "(S. S  {0..m * n}  card S = m + 1  mono_on f (op ) S) 
         (S. S  {0..m * n}  card S = n + 1  mono_on f (op ) S)"

74. The Principle of Mathematical Induction

theorem nat_induct:
  assumes "P 0" and "⋀n. P n ⟹ P (Suc n)"
  shows   "P n"

75. The Mean Value Theorem

theorem MVT:
  fixes a b :: real and f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "a < b"
      and "∀x∈{a..b}. isCont f x"
      and "∀x∈{a<..<b}. f differentiable (at x)"
  shows "l z::real. z ∈ {a<..<b} ∧ (f has_real_derivative l) (at z) ∧
                         f b - f a = (b - a) * l"

lemma MVT2:
  fixes a b :: real and f f' :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "a < b"
      and "∀x∈{a..b}. (f has_real_derivative f' x) (at x)"
  shows "z::real. z ∈ {a<..<b} ∧ f b - f a = (b - a) * f' z"

76. Fourier Series

corollary Fourier_Fejer_Cesaro_summable_simple:
assumes f: "continuous_on UNIV f"
    and periodic: "x. f(x + 2*pi) = f x"
  shows "(λn. (m<n. k2*m. Fourier_coefficient f k * trigonometric_set k x) / n) \<longlonglongrightarrow> f x"

77. Sum of kth powers

lemma sum_of_powers:
  fixes m n :: nat
  shows "(k=0..n. k ^ m) = (bernpoly (m + 1) (n + 1) - bernpoly (m + 1) 0) / (m + 1)"

78. The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality

theorem CauchySchwarzReal:
  fixes x::vector
  assumes "vlen x = vlen y"
  shows "¦xy¦  x*y"

An alternative version is available in the standard library:

lemma Cauchy_Schwarz_ineq2:
  "¦inner x y¦ ≤ norm x * norm y"

79. The Intermediate Value Theorem

lemma IVT':
  fixes f :: "real ⇒ real"
  assumes "a ≤ b" and "y ∈ {f a..f b}" and  "continuous_on {a..b} f"
  obtains x where "x ∈ {a..b}" and "f x = y"

80. Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

The function prime_factorization is defined for any factorial semiring. It returns the factorization as a multiset that fulfils the following properties:

lemma in_prime_factors_iff:
  "p ∈ set_mset (prime_factors x) ⟷ x ≠ 0 ∧ p dvd x ∧ prime p"

lemma prod_mset_prime_factorization:
  assumes "x ≠ 0"
  shows   "prod_mset (prime_factorization x) = normalize x"

lemma prime_factorization_unique:
  assumes "x ≠ 0" "y ≠ 0"
  shows   "prime_factorization x = prime_factorization y ⟷ normalize x = normalize y"

The normalize function is required because associated elements (like -3 and 3) have the same factorization; for natural numbers, it is the identity.

81. Divergence of the Prime Reciprocal Series

corollary prime_harmonic_series_diverges:
  "¬convergent (λn. ∑pprimes_upto n. 1 / p)"

The more precise asymptotic estimate given by Mertens’ Second Theorem is also available:

theorem mertens_second_theorem:
  "(λx. (∑p | real p ≤ x ∧ prime p. 1 / p) - ln (ln x) - meissel_mertens) ∈ O(λx. 1 / ln x)"

83. The Friendship Theorem

theorem (in valid_unSimpGraph) friendship_thm:
  assumes "v u. vV  uV  vu  ! n. adjacent v n  adjacent u n" and "finite V"
  shows "v. nV. nv  adjacent v n"

85. Divisibility by Three Rule

theorem three_divides_nat: "3 dvd n ⟷ 3 dvd sumdig n"

86. Lebesgue Measure and Integration

A more recent and more extensive library of the Lebesgue Measure and Lebesgue integration is now also in the standard distribution:

87. Desargues’s Theorem

theorem desargues_3D:
  assumes "desargues_config_3D A B C A' B' C' P α β γ"
  shows "rk {α, β, γ} ≤ 2"

88. Derangements Formula

theorem derangements_formula:
  assumes "n  0" and "finite S" and "card S = n"
  shows "card (derangements S) = round (fact n / exp 1)"

89. The Factor and Remainder Theorems

lemma long_div_theorem:
  assumes "g  carrier P" and "f  carrier P" and "g  𝟬⇘P"
  shows "q r (k::nat). (q  carrier P)  (r  carrier P) 
        (lcoeff g)(^)Rk ⊙⇘P f = g ⊗⇘P q ⊕⇘P r 
        (r = 𝟬⇘P | deg R r < deg R g)"

Independently, HOL-Computational_Algebra provides notions of division and remainder in Euclidean rings (such as naturals, integers, polynomials):

90. Stirling’s Formula

theorem Gamma_asymp_equiv:
  "Gamma ∼ (λx. sqrt (2*pi/x) * (x / exp 1) powr x :: real)"

theorem fact_asymp_equiv:
  "fact ∼ (λn. sqrt (2*pi*n) * (n / exp 1) ^ n :: real)"

91. The Triangle Inequality

class ordered_ab_group_add_abs = ordered_ab_group_add + abs +
  assumes abs_ge_zero: "¦a¦  0"
    and abs_ge_self: "a  ¦a¦"
    and abs_leI: "a  b  - a  b  ¦a¦  b"
    and abs_minus_cancel: "¦-a¦ = ¦a¦"
    and abs_triangle_ineq: "¦a + b¦  ¦a¦ + ¦b¦"

The triangle inequality is a type class property in Isabelle. Real numbers, integers, etc are instances of this type class:

lemma abs_triangle_ineq_real: "¦(a::real) + b¦  ¦a¦ + ¦b¦"
lemma abs_triangle_ineq_int: "¦(a::int) + b¦  ¦a¦ + ¦b¦"

92. Pick’s Theorem

theorem pick:
fixes p :: "R_to_R2"
assumes "polygon p"
assumes "p = make_polygonal_path vts"
assumes "all_integral vts"
assumes "I = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_inside p}"
assumes "B = card {x. integral_vec x ∧ x ∈ path_image p}"
shows "measure lebesgue (path_inside p) = I + B/2 - 1"

93. The Birthday Problem

lemma birthday_paradox:
  assumes "card S = 23" "card T = 365"
  shows "2 * card {f  S→E S T. ¬ inj_on f S}  card (S →E T)"

94. The Law of Cosines

lemma cosine_law_triangle:
  "dist b c ^ 2 = dist a b ^ 2 + dist a c ^ 2 - 2 * dist a b * dist a c * cos (angle b a c)"

95. Ptolemy’s Theorem

theorem ptolemy:
  fixes A B C D center :: "real ^ 2"
  assumes "dist center A = radius" and "dist center B = radius"
  assumes "dist center C = radius" and "dist center D = radius"
  assumes ordering_of_points:
    "radiant_of (A - center) ≤ radiant_of (B - center)"
    "radiant_of (B - center) ≤ radiant_of (C - center)"
    "radiant_of (C - center) ≤ radiant_of (D - center)"
  shows "dist A C * dist B D = dist A B * dist C D + dist A D * dist B C"

96. Principle of Inclusion/Exclusion

lemma card_UNION:
  assumes "finite A" and "k  A. finite k"
  shows "card (A) = nat (I | I  A  I  {}. (- 1) ^ (card I + 1) * int (card (I)))"

97. Cramer’s Rule

lemma cramer:
  fixes A ::"real^'n^'n"
  assumes d0: "det A  0"
  shows "A *v x = b  x = (χ k. det(χ i j. if j=k then b$i else A$i$j) / det A)"

98. Bertrand’s Postulate

theorem bertrand: "n > 1 ⟹ ∃p∈{n<..<2*n}. prime p"

99. Buffon Needle Problem

theorem buffon_short:
assumes "l ≤ d"
shows   "emeasure (buffon l d) {True} = 2 * l / (d * pi)"

theorem buffon_long:
assumes "l ≥ d"
shows   "emeasure (buffon l d) {True} = 2 / pi * ((l / d) - sqrt ((l / d)⇧2 - 1) + arccos (d / l))"

100. Descartes Rule of Signs

theorem descartes_sign_rule:
  fixes p :: "real poly"
  assumes "p ≠ 0"
  shows "∃d. even d ∧ coeff_sign_changes p = count_pos_roots p + d"