What Must I Bring Into The Exam Room?
You must bring a photo ID to the exam.
We highly prefer that you bring your student card.
But if necessary, you may bring a currently valid driver's license or passport.
You can receive (or replace) a student card via the Nucleus: Student Hub
You must bring at lease one pen to the exam.
You are required to sign a declaration of identity during the exam.
For further information on allowed stationary, see below.
You must know your zPass for the exam.
You must be able to enter your zPass from memory during the exam.
You may not use a password manager or write your password down.
If you are not able to enter your zPass from memory you should update your zPass in the UNSW Identity Manager
If you enter your zPass incorrectly too many times UNSW can lock your UNSW account
You can unlock your UNSW account in the UNSW Identity Manager
It is a good idea to check that you can log in to CSE Vlab before the exam, as this can only be done if your account is unlocked.
If you are particularly paranoid you should also unlock your UNSW account in the UNSW Identity Manager before the exam, just to be safe.
What Else Am I Allowed To Bring Into The Exam Room?
You may bring a clear water bottle to the exam.
Your water bottle must be transparent and must be minimally coloured.
Your water bottle must not have any labels, stickers, or any other kind of markings on it.
Plastic bottles with the label removed are preferred.
You may bring a clear pencil case to the exam.
Your pencil case must be transparent and must be minimally coloured.
Your pencil case must not have any labels, stickers, or any other kind of markings on it.
Plastic sleeves or Ziploc bags are popular choices for pencil cases.
If your water bottle or pencil case doesn't meet these requirements,
it will be confiscated for the duration of the exam.
Apart from these items, you are not permitted to have any other items on your desk during the exam.
Everything else must be stored in your bag, which will be kept at the front of the exam room.
You will not be allowed to access your bag during the exam.
Other materials may be allowed or disallowed on a course-by-course basis.
What Am I Not Allowed To Bring Into The Exam Room?
Anything not listed above must be placed into a bag and left near the door to the exam room.
This includes all electronic devices,
including (but not limited to):
- Phones
- Tablets
- Laptops
- Music Devices (iPods, etc)
- Pagers
All electronic devices must be fully powered off (not just placed on silent) for the exam.
Any device that makes noise during the exam will be removed from the exam room.
wallets and other small items may be kept in your pockets for the exam
but must be kept in your pockets, not placed on your desk or the ground.
Written notes, books, and/or paper must be kept in your bag.
Calculators are not permitted for CSE exams.
You may not wear hats, sunglasses, or anything else that hides your appearance during the exam.
With the exception of masks and religious headwear.
If you are wearing a mask or religious headwear, you may be asked to remove it so your identity can be confirmed.
If this is required it will be done in the least intrusive way possible.
You may not use earphones, or earpods, or wear anything that covers your ears during the exam.
What Is Provided During The Exam?
You will be provided with a piece of A4 paper for rough work.
Additional paper may be provided, depending on availability.
You may not leave the exam with this paper,
it must be collected before you leave the exam room.
If you wish to use the rough work paper you must bring your own pens/pencils,
pens and pencils will not be provided.
If you use the rough work paper you must sign and date the paper
(if multiple pieces are used all must be signed and dated)
Please email exam@cse.unsw.edu.au if you have further queries.