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Omodeo and Jacob T. Schwartz", year = "1980", title = "Decision Procedures for Some Fragments of Set Theory", editor = "Wolfgang Bibel and Robert A. Kowalski", booktitle = "CADE", series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science", volume = "87", publisher = "Springer", pages = "88--96", doi = "10.1007/3-540-10009-1\_8", ) @book(Mos2005, author = "Yiannis Moschovakis", year = "2005", title = "Notes on Set Theory", edition = "second", publisher = "Springer", ) @article(Mot2007, author = "Boris Motik", year = "2007", title = "On the {P}roperties of {M}etamodeling in {OWL}", journal = "J. Log. 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