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Nix Barnett & James P. Crutchfield (2015):
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Hidden Markov Models and the Bayes Filter in Categoryical Probability.
Available at https://act2023.github.io/papers/paper73.pdf.
Abstract presented at Applied Category Theory 2023.
Tobias Fritz (2020):
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Tobias Fritz, Tomáš Gonda, Paolo Perrone & Eigil Fjeldgren Rischel (2020):
Representable Markov Categories and Comparison of Statistical Experiments in Categorical Probability (v2),
Available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07416v2.
The material on strongly representable Markov categories appears in version 2 of the preprint but not in version 3..
Tobias Fritz, Tomáš Gonda, Paolo Perrone & Eigil Fjeldgren Rischel (2023):
Representable Markov categories and comparison of statistical experiments in categorical probability.
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Springer International Publishing,
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Bart Jacobs & Sam Staton (2020):
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Springer International Publishing,
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Nathaniel Virgo, Martin Biehl & Simon McGregor (2021):
Interpreting Dynamical Systems as Bayesian Reasoners.
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