Exact Synthesis of Multiqutrit Clifford-Cyclotomic Circuits

Andrew N. Glaudell
(Photonic Inc.)
Neil J. Ross
(Dalhousie University)
John van de Wetering
(University of Amsterdam)
Lia Yeh
(University of Oxford)

It is known that the matrices that can be exactly represented by a multiqubit circuit over the Toffoli+Hadamard, Clifford+T, or, more generally, Clifford-cyclotomic gate set are precisely the unitary matrices with entries in the ring Z[1/2, ζ_k], where k is a positive integer that depends on the gate set and ζ_k is a primitive 2^k-th root of unity. In the present paper, we establish an analogous correspondence for qutrits. We define the multiqutrit Clifford-cyclotomic gate set of degree 3^k by extending the classical qutrit gates X, CX, and CCX with the Hadamard gate H and the Tk gate Tk = diag(1, ω_k, ω_k^2), where ω_k is a primitive 3^k-th root of unity. This gate set is equivalent to the qutrit Toffoli+Hadamard gate set when k=1, and to the qutrit Clifford+Tk gate set when k>1. We then prove that a 3^nx3^n unitary matrix U can be represented by an n-qutrit circuit over the Clifford-cyclotomic gate set of degree 3^k if and only if the entries of U lie in the ring Z[1/3, ω_k].

In Alejandro Díaz-Caro and Vladimir Zamdzhiev: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Quantum Physics and Logic (QPL 2024), Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 15-19, 2024, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 406, pp. 44–62.
Published: 12th August 2024.

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