Service Equivalence via Multiparty Session Type Isomorphisms

Assel Altayeva
(Imperial College London)
Nobuko Yoshida
(Imperial College London)

This paper addresses a problem found within the construction of Service Oriented Architecture: the adaptation of service protocols with respect to functional redundancy and heterogeneity of global communication patterns. We utilise the theory of Multiparty Session Types (MPST). Our approach is based upon the notion of a multiparty session type isomorphism, utilising a novel constructive realisation of service adapter code to establishing equivalence. We achieve this by employing trace semantics over a collection of local types and introducing meta abstractions over the syntax of global types. We develop a corresponding equational theory for MPST isomorphisms. The main motivation for this line of work is to define a type isomorphism that affords the assessment of whether two components/services are substitutables, modulo adaptation code given software components formalised as session types.

In Francisco Martins and Dominic Orchard: Proceedings Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software (PLACES 2019), Prague, Czech Republic, 7th April 2019, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 291, pp. 1–11.
Published: 2nd April 2019.

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