5' -> 3' Watson-Crick Automata accepting Necklaces

Benedek Nagy
(Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta and Eszterházy Károly Catholic University, Eger)

Watson-Crick (WK) finite automata work on a Watson-Crick tape representing a DNA molecule. They have two reading heads. In 5'->3' WK automata, the heads move and read the input in opposite physical directions. In this paper, we consider such inputs which are necklaces, i.e., they represent circular DNA molecules. In sensing 5'->3' WK automata, the computation on the input is finished when the heads meet. As the original model is capable of accepting the linear context-free languages, the necklace languages we are investigating here have strong relations to that class. Here, we use these automata in two different acceptance modes. On the one hand, in weak acceptance mode the heads are starting nondeterministically at any point of the input, like the necklace is cut at a nondeterministically chosen point), and if the input is accepted, it is in the accepted necklace language. These languages can be seen as the languages obtained from the linear context-free languages by taking their closure under cyclic shift operation. On the other hand, in strong acceptance mode, it is required that the input is accepted starting the heads in the computation from every point of the cycle. These languages can be seen as the maximal cyclic shift closed languages included in a linear language. On the other hand, as it will be shown, they have a kind of locally testable property. We present some hierarchy results based on restricted variants of the WK automata, such as stateless or all-final variants.

In Florin Manea and Giovanni Pighizzini: Proceedings 14th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2024), Göttingen, Germany, 12-13 August 2024, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 407, pp. 168–185.
Published: 11th September 2024.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.407.12 bibtex PDF

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