Complexity of Unary Exclusive Nondeterministic Finite Automata

Martin Kutrib
(Institut für Informatik, Universität Giessen)
Andreas Malcher
(Institut für Informatik, Universität Giessen)
Matthias Wendlandt
(Institut für Informatik, Universität Giessen)

Exclusive nondeterministic finite automata (XNFA) are nondeterministic finite automata with a special acceptance condition. An input is accepted if there is exactly one accepting path in its computation tree. If there are none or more than one accepting paths, the input is rejected. We study the descriptional complexity of XNFA accepting unary languages. While the state costs for mutual simulations with DFA and NFA over general alphabets differ significantly from the known types of finite automata, it turns out that the state costs for the simulations in the unary case are in the order of magnitude of the general case. In particular, the state costs for the simulation of an XNFA by a DFA or an NFA are e^Θ(\sqrt(n ln(n)). Conversely, converting an NFA to an equivalent XNFA may cost e^Θ(\sqrt(n ln(n)) states as well. All bounds obtained are also tight in the order of magnitude. Finally, we investigate the computational complexity of different decision problems for unary XNFA and it is shown that the problems of emptiness, universality, inclusion, and equivalence are coNP-complete, whereas the general membership problem is NL-complete.

In Florin Manea and Giovanni Pighizzini: Proceedings 14th International Workshop on Non-Classical Models of Automata and Applications (NCMA 2024), Göttingen, Germany, 12-13 August 2024, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 407, pp. 136–149.
Published: 11th September 2024.

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