Industrial-Strength Model-Based Testing - State of the Art and Current Challenges

Jan Peleska
(University of Bremen, Verified Systems International GmbH, Bremen, Germany)

As of today, model-based testing (MBT) is considered as leading-edge technology in industry. We sketch the different MBT variants that - according to our experience - are currently applied in practice, with special emphasis on the avionic, railway and automotive domains. The key factors for successful industrial-scale application of MBT are described, both from a scientific and a managerial point of view. With respect to the former view, we describe the techniques for automated test case, test data and test procedure generation for concurrent reactive real-time systems which are considered as the most important enablers for MBT in practice. With respect to the latter view, our experience with introducing MBT approaches in testing teams are sketched. Finally, the most challenging open scientific problems whose solutions are bound to improve the acceptance and effectiveness of MBT in industry are discussed.

Invited Talk in Alexander K. Petrenko and Holger Schlingloff: Proceedings Eighth Workshop on Model-Based Testing (MBT 2013), Rome, Italy, 17th March 2013, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 111, pp. 3–28.
Published: 2nd March 2013.

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