Quantification and Aggregation over Concepts of the Ontology

Pierre Carbonnelle
(KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
Matthias Van der Hallen
(KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)
Marc Denecker
(KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium)

We argue that in some KR applications, we want to quantify over sets of concepts formally represented by symbols in the vocabulary. We show that this quantification should be distinguished from second-order quantification and meta-programming quantification. We also investigate the relationship with concepts in intensional logic.

We present an extension of first-order logic to support such abstractions, and show that it allows writing expressions of knowledge that are elaboration tolerant. To avoid nonsensical sentences in this formalism, we refine the concept of well-formed sentences, and propose a method to verify well-formedness with a complexity that is linear with the number of tokens in the formula.

We have extended FO(.), a Knowledge Representation language, and IDP-Z3, a reasoning engine for FO(.), accordingly. We show that this extension was essential in accurately modelling various problem domains in an elaboration-tolerant way, i.e., without reification.

In Enrico Pontelli, Stefania Costantini, Carmine Dodaro, Sarah Gaggl, Roberta Calegari, Artur D'Avila Garcez, Francesco Fabiano, Alessandra Mileo, Alessandra Russo and Francesca Toni: Proceedings 39th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2023), Imperial College London, UK, 9th July 2023 - 15th July 2023, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 385, pp. 213–226.
Published: 12th September 2023.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.385.22 bibtex PDF
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