Explaining SDN Failures via Axiomatisations

Georgiana Caltais

This work introduces a concept of explanations with respect to the violation of safe behaviours within software defined networks (SDNs) expressible in NetKAT. The latter is a network programming language that is based on a well-studied mathematical structure, namely, Kleene Algebra with Tests (KAT). Amongst others, the mathematical foundation of NetKAT gave rise to a sound and complete equational theory. In our setting, a safe behaviour is characterised by a NetKAT policy which does not enable forwarding packets from ingress to an undesirable egress. Explanations for safety violations are derived in an equational fashion, based on a modification of the existing NetKAT axiomatisation.

In Mircea Marin and Adrian Crăciun: Proceedings Third Symposium on Working Formal Methods (FROM 2019), Timişoara, Romania, 3-5 September 2019, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 303, pp. 48–60.
Published: 2nd September 2019.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.303.4 bibtex PDF
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