K-Position, Follow, Equation and K-C-Continuation Tree Automata Constructions

Ludovic Mignot
(LITIS Laboratory Normandie University, University of Rouen France)
Nadia Ouali Sebti
(LITIS Laboratory Normandie University, University of Rouen France)
Djelloul Ziadi
(LITIS Laboratory Normandie University, University of Rouen France)

There exist several methods of computing an automaton recognizing the language denoted by a given regular expression: In the case of words, the position automaton P due to Glushkov, the c-continuation automaton C due to Champarnaud and Ziadi, the follow automaton F due to Ilie and Yu and the equation automaton E due to Antimirov. It has been shown that P and C are isomorphic and that E (resp. F ) is a quotient of C (resp. of P). In this paper, we define from a given regular tree expression the k-position tree automaton P and the follow tree automaton F . Using the definition of the equation tree automaton E of Kuske and Meinecke and our previously defined k-C-continuation tree automaton C , we show that the previous morphic relations are still valid on tree expressions.

In Zoltán Ésik and Zoltán Fülöp: Proceedings 14th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages (AFL 2014), Szeged, Hungary, May 27-29, 2014, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 151, pp. 327–341.
Published: 21st May 2014.

ArXived at: https://dx.doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.151.23 bibtex PDF
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