Canonical Gradings of Monads

Flavien Breuvart
Dylan McDermott
Tarmo Uustalu

We define a notion of grading of a monoid T in a monoidal category C, relative to a class of morphisms M (which provide a notion of M-subobject). We show that, under reasonable conditions (including that M forms a factorization system), there is a canonical grading of T. Our application is to graded monads and models of computational effects. We demonstrate our results by characterizing the canonical gradings of a number of monads, for which C is endofunctors with composition. We also show that we can obtain canonical grades for algebraic operations.

In Jade Master and Martha Lewis: Proceedings Fifth International Conference on Applied Category Theory (ACT 2022), Glasgow, United Kingdom, 18-22 July 2022, Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 380, pp. 1–21.
Published: 7th August 2023.

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