Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science

Hard Copy Price List

The following prices reflect the best deals we have been able to negotiate so far. Please let us know if you know a publisher that can do better.

Printed Copies

Multiple copies of one issue of EPTCS of 100 pages, including delivery within 4 weeks after ordering: € 15 per copy + € 45 per order.
So 100 copies of a 100-page issue cost € 1545.

In general, n copies of an issue of p pages costs (n+3)*(p+36)*€ 0.11.
Thus, 20 copies of a 136-page issue costs € 435.16.

A yearly subscription, each issue delivered within 4 weeks of publication on the EPTCS website: € 1000.

USB Sticks and CDs

One issue of EPTCS on a USB stick: € 10 per stick + € 50 per order.

One issue of EPTCS on CD: € 12 per CD + € 60 per order.

Comments and questions to: eptcs@eptcs.org
For website issues: webmaster@eptcs.org