Published: 21st September 2010
DOI: 10.4204/EPTCS.36
ISSN: 2075-2180


Proceedings First International Workshop on
Rewriting Techniques for Real-Time Systems
Longyearbyen, April 6-9, 2010

Edited by: Peter Csaba Ölveczky

Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Modeling and Analyzing Adaptive User-Centric Systems in Real-Time Maude
Martin Wirsing, Sebastian S. Bauer and Andreas Schroeder
Dist-Orc: A Rewriting-based Distributed Implementation of Orc with Formal Analysis
Musab AlTurki and José Meseguer
Extending the Real-Time Maude Semantics of Ptolemy to Hierarchical DE Models
Kyungmin Bae and Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Lightweight Time Modeling in Timed Creol
Joakim Bjørk, Einar Broch Johnsen, Olaf Owe and Rudolf Schlatte
A Rewriting-Logic-Based Technique for Modeling Thermal Systems
Muhammad Fadlisyah, Erika Ábrahám, Daniela Lepri and Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Using the PALS Architecture to Verify a Distributed Topology Control Protocol for Wireless Multi-Hop Networks in the Presence of Node Failures
Michael Katelman and José Meseguer
Model Checking Classes of Metric LTL Properties of Object-Oriented Real-Time Maude Specifications
Daniela Lepri, Peter Csaba Ölveczky and Erika Ábrahám
Specification and Verification of Distributed Embedded Systems: A Traffic Intersection Product Family
Peter Csaba Ölveczky and José Meseguer
Distributed Real-Time Emulation of Formally-Defined Patterns for Safe Medical Device Control
Mu Sun and José Meseguer


This volume contains the proceedings of the First International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Real-Time Systems (RTRTS 2010), held in Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen, on April 6-9, 2010.

The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers with an interest in the use of rewriting-based techniques (including rewriting logic) and tools for the modeling, analysis, and/or implementation of real-time and hybrid systems, and to give them the opportunity to present their recent works, discuss future research directions, and exchange ideas. The topics of the workshop comprise, but are not limited to:

The technical program committee of RTRTS 2010 was composed of: The 8 regular papers presented at RTRTS 2010 and included in this volume were selected by the program committee from 9 submissions. Each submission was reviewed by three reviewers. After the workshop, the authors of accepted papers were asked to submit a revised version, incorporating the comments arisen during the discussion at the workshop, for inclusion in this volume. The program also included an invited talk by Martin Wirsing, which is included in this proceedings, an overview of Real-Time Maude and its applications, and a tool presentation by Francisco Durán.

Many colleagues and friends contributed to RTRTS 2010. First, I would like to thank José Meseguer who proposed to have an international workshop on the topic. I thank the authors who submitted their high-quality work to RTRTS 2010 and who, through their contributions, made the workshop an interesting event. I am particularly grateful that so many well known researchers agreed to serve on the program committee, and that they all provided timely, insightful, and detailed reviews. A special thanks to Grigore Roşu for being the "PC chair" for the papers co-written by me.

I am grateful that so many friends could go to far-away Spitsbergen, which is not exactly the easiest or cheapest place to reach, to attend the workshop. Above all, I appreciate that my dear friends José and Martin could come to Spitsbergen for this occasion. I also thank the editors of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science for agreeing to publish the proceedings of RTRTS, Lise Bakke and Hildegunn Rønningen for taking care of the local arrangements, and Andrei Voronkov for the excellent EasyChair conference system. Arranging a workshop in Spitsbergen is not cheap; I am therefore grateful for the significant financial support provided by The Research Council of Norway, through the Rhytm project, for RTRTS 2010.

I hope that all the participants enjoyed both the scientific program and the workshop venue!

Peter Csaba Ölveczky
Urbana, September 2010